Underline two of the words
on the right which are associated with or are part of the word on the left.
Number 1 has been done for you.
1. TREE brim, trunk, car, climb, cabbage
2. HOUSE bough, attic, forest, tongue, brick
3. BICYCLE speak, saddle, tow, pump, green
4. ORCHESTRA go, needle, conductor, score, break
5. CHRISTMAS pastime, decorations, lose, mistletoe,salmon
6. FOOTBALL mole, corner, umpire, hornet, penalty
7. WEDDING bride, storm, confetti, soap, blink
8. CAR run, basket, clutch, boot, head
9. WAR fight, cream, tank, apple, sincere
10. FLOWER wren, petal, clear, buttercup, suggest
11. SCHOOL brown, examination, dinner, offer, lesson
12. SLEEP calm, nightmare, sheet, tongue, cushion
13. CHURCH congregation, cough, aisle, feet, money
14. SHOE snore, lace, heel, sit, height
15. BOOK leaf, side, title, sheet, paperback
16. GOLF tea, green, stick, birdie, cod
17. ENGLAND light, Thames,garlic, pub, Edinburgh
18. FACE heel, grin, writing, cheeks, ankle
19. TELEPHONE switch, lure, dial, ramble, receiver
typewriter, lose, rabbit, file, perm