Fall 2001
Prerequisite: MATH 202
Text: Introduction to Ordinary Differential
Equations by Stephen L.Campbell
Houghton Miffin, 1996
Instructor: Dr. Meenakshi Rajagopolan (Room 400, Ext. 454)
Class Meetings:The class meets on Tu, Th, from 11:00 a.m. - 12:15 in G.O.H 414
Office hours: M.W. 10:00-1:00, F. 10:00-11:00, 12:00-1:00
Course Description: The following topics are covered in this course: Differential equations of the first and second order with application, optional topics include power series method, numerical methods , boundary value problems and Laplace Tranformation.
Course Outline: Chapters 1, 2, 3 (sec 1, 2, 3), 4 (sec 5), 5 (sec2).
1. Use diffrent problem solving approaches to
help students investigate and understand mathematics.
2. Use graphing calculators as tools for learning mathematics.
3. Use group discussions among students to extend mathematical understanding .
4. Make and evaluate mathematical conjectures and arguments to validate mathematical thinking.
5.Show and understanding of interrelationship within mathematics, and connect mathematics to diffrent disciplines such as physics, Cemistry, business etc.
.Classroom Procedure: Part of the class period will be spent on lecture and the rest will be spent on problem solving by students.
Evaluation of Students: The students will be graded on:
i. Three class tests (60% of the final grade)
ii. A comprehensive final (20% of the final grade)
iii. Classroom participation, homework assignments, quizzes and proper English usage (20% of final grade.)
90 - 100 = A; 80 - 89 = B; 70 - 79 = C; 60 - 69 = D; Below 60 = F
Attendance: Students are expected to come to all classes on time. Each unexcused absence after the fourth will result in the deduction of one point from the student's average. Late attendance is also counted as absences.
Recommended supplementary reading
Any Differential Equation book published after 1995
Lesson Plan
Lesson 1: Introduction to Ordinary
differential Equations,
Definite Integral and the initial value Problem.
Lesson 2: First-Order Separable Differential Equations.
Lesson 3: First - Order Linear Differential Equations.
Lesson 4: Linear First-Order Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients
Lesson 5: Applications: Growth And Decay problems
Lesson 6: Applications: Mechanics
Lesson 7: Exact Equations
Lesson 8: Integrating Factors for Exact Equations
Lesson 9: General Solutions Of second Order Linear Differential Equations
Lesson 10: Reduction of Order
Lesson 11: Homogeneous Linear second Order equation With Constant Coefficients
Lesson 12: Homogeneous Linear nth Order equation With Constant Coefficients
Lesson 13:Mechanical Vibrations
Lesson 14: Undetermined Coefficients, UsingAnnihilators
Lesson 15: Euler Equations (Second Order)
Lesson 16: Variation of parameters
Lesson 17: Laplace Transform and Inverse Laplace Transform
Lesson 18: Solving Differential Equations with Laplace Transforms
Lesson 19: Series Solution at anOrdinary Point X=0
Lesson 20: Linear
Systems of Differential Equations