The thinkers that have had the most decided impact on me are F.A. Hayek, David Friedman, Jerry Z. Muller, and Edmund Burke. Below are some links to websites dealing with these ideas. Even more links.
Access the Hayek ring on the World Wide Web - F.A. Hayek
Hayek in the 1960s.
David Friedman's Libertarian site is really interesting. Nearly everything that Friedman writes is creative and stimulating.
Iceland during its "Commonwealth period" seems to resemble the system of competing governments proposed by Friedman and Murray Rothbard. Click here to look at some of the best analysis of this society yet available
The Norse exploration of Eastern Canada centuries before Columbus has fascinated me for many years. Much information on this subject has been placed on the Web. To see a really informative site, click here
You can find copies of Edmund Burke's speeches or his Reflections in nearly every used bookstore, but his ideas need to be placed into context. Russell Kirk's biography of Burke is informative and entertaining, but itself needs to be placed in context, namely, the context of the Cold War.
Historical Research
National Archives of Canada
The site is mostly eye-candy, but they do have some good finding-aids online
My comments on Early Canadiana Online
Joseph Brant Museum
Computing-related Sites
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Early Personal Computers
Internet's First Interactive Typewriter!!!
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