FOOD FOR THOUGHT: "Education is not a cure for ignorance. Even the educated can be ignorant."


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by Mudarras Kadhir Gaznavi







I should make clear that the information which follows is  about a subject matter which was thought and formulated by the mankind here on earth.

So this is the short story of  the human mind’s progress from the notion of a totem and taboo to the concepts of a supreme overseer and sin, from a governing spirit in everything to an all-powerful spirit governing the whole creation.



Islam claims to be the last, the true belief system in the line of the Abrahamic doctrine.

What we are told about the character called Abraham is not definite, because he is an invented Hebraicised character of the Old Testament.

If a belief system purports To be the last belief system in line of a series of predecessors, it must have borrowed a lot from the earlier ones, as documented by Kuran. Also, since the three Abrahamic belief systems shared the same region, the same mixture of cultures, concepts, and ideas there must be a cross-fertilization between them and the Kuran. One can spot it in the stories told in Kuran and of course in the stories and the narrations (although edited and superficial) about the past messengers and their people. So one would not be off the mark if one says that Kuran, like the earlier books, carries all the legends and myths of the region as well.

Let us begin with the concept of god, because the invented supreme being  is the central factor in any belief system.

Therefore totemism will be our starting point. The concept of a supreme being ‘out there’ goes back to time immemorial. The following underlined and highlighted sections show the beginning and the progression of the concepts of a supreme being, a divine law, permitted and prohibited things, and sin which all ended with the omnipotent god of Islam.



Here are the attributes of the totem (the supreme entity):

Now let us deal with the subject of taboo, because totem and taboo go hand in hand. Without one there wouldn’t be the other, like the concepts of the supreme being and sin in our day.





Next we have the concept of god in the primal belief systems. Most of these primal religions have a creator god.



Sumerian universe was called An-Ki (Sky-Earth). They called the sea surrounding the land Apsu-Abzu. Ki (Earth) was floating freely on this sea. The unseen canopy underneath the sea was considered to be an ‘opposite-sky ’  which covered the nether-world (hell) called kur. Lil, which is air, breath, spirit or wind was the third component. The Sumerian thinkers felt the need to explain the source of these cosmic components and to establish a lineage among them. The following are their conclusions:

The Sumerian cosmogony was as follows:

There was the primeval ocean in the beginning (There is no information on its origin and how it came into being). This mother-sea produced the cosmic-mountain which was formed by the unseparated sky and Earth, An-Ki. Sky (An) was male and Earth (Ki) was female, the union of which has produced Enlil. Enlil has separated  the sky and Earth. An took the sky. Enlil took his mother Ki (Earth). Union of Ki and Enlil established the basis for the ordered universe. This union was the starting point and the source of man, animals, plants and the institution of civilization. The universe was created by the first cosmic gods: The creator gods, sky, Earth, air, water. Since the creator gods were the organizers of the Universe which they hold in their hands, the existence, development and survival of vast kingdoms have depended on them. This was the fundamental ‘ truth of itself ’ for the Sumerians. These gods did not reveal themselves to the mortals. Each god was in charge of a different corner of the universe.


In later sources going back to 2500 B.C. we see Enlil playing the role of the chief deity. He has taken An’s place. The oldest comprehensible documents describes him as the ‘father of gods’, ‘king of sky and earth’, ‘king of all countries. Later myths and hymns tell that Enlil was a benevolent god  who was responsible for the design and creation of the universe  and also furnishing it with all the best things. He was the source of almost everything.  In the Sumerian tablets which were read and published since the 1930s hymns and myths present  Enlil as a friendly and  fatherly god who has safeguarded the security and well-being of mankind generally and Sumerians especially (The concept of ‘chosen people’?).

The underlined and   highlighted  sections  will provide the inquisitive mind with the vital clues to the origins of the myths, legends, and the fundamental doctrines of the Abrahamic belief systems.



Egypt needs attention in our quest for the origins of the Semitic-Abrahamic belief systems of our day, because some of the fundamental doctrines were borrowed  from there. In that sense the first real attempt at monotheism in Egypt by Akh-en-aten, and the Memphite theology are very important.

The roots of monotheism in Egypt could be found in earlier times. During the reign of Amenhotep III (The father of Akh-en-Aton) worship of the Sun-god seems to have achieved some degree of popularity. A very ancient name of the Sun-god, Aten or Aton has regained importance and the young king Amenhotep IV (later changed his name to Akh-en-aten/Akh-en-aton)   became a loyal follower.

Egyptian pharaoh Akh-en-aton is the first registered real monotheist in the history of mankind. Here is a hymn which expresses the basics of the Aton/Aten cult:

“..How manifold it is, what you have made!...

O sole god, like whom there is no other!

You created the world according to your desire,

While you were alone;

All men, cattle and wild beasts,

Whatever is on earth, going on its feet,

And whatever is on high flying with its wings.

The countries of Syria and Nubia, the land of Egypt,

You settled every man in his place,

You supplied their necessities,

Everyone has his food, and his time of life is reckoned.

Their tongues are separate in speech,

And their natures as well;

Their skins are distinguished,

As you distinguished the foreign peoples...

...there is none other that knows you,

Save your son Nefer-kheperu-Re Wa-en-Re,

For you have made him well versed in your plans and in your strength.”

Believers of the Judaism and Islam might find some of the exact attributes of their god in this hymn. The idea of monotheism which has reached its peak with Akh-en-aten had to stay in darkness for a long time after him. Some scholars find the origin of the sole god, the father-god of the codebooks of Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the Aton/Aten belief system. Some western historians maintain that Moses had got the idea of the sole god from Akh-en-aten (Check the pages on EGYPTIAN MYTHS in this site).

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