The Land of Dustin |
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Hello, I suppose you are wondering what that means. Well I believe inside of everyone there is a little Dustin in them. Your "Inner Dustin" so to speak. I think it is something everyone has, but neglects to use. your Inner Dustin is that little mischevious voice saying eat that last cup cake or go ahead and hit him in the face. It also is the sense of humor most adults lose. When you are in touch with your Inner Dustin you will notice. Everyone will tell you how funny you seem and how much nicer you are. Your Inner Dustin will keep you humorous and allow you to laugh at any situation. So keep in touch with it, at your own risk. (I am in no way responsible for what your Inner Dustin guides you to do.) |
James (left) and Dustin (right) showing off our abs. Sexy, huh? |