ausflag.gif (8718 bytes)Australian Fashions and Fads

Take a look at Australia in the 20th Century! These are the things Australians were "into" throughout the decades, things that have created Australia today.

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ball1.gif (343 bytes) The 1910s

ball2.gif (371 bytes) The 1920s

ball3.gif (1101 bytes) The 1930s

ball1.gif (343 bytes) The 1940s

ball2.gif (371 bytes) The 1950s

ball3.gif (1101 bytes) The 1960s

ball1.gif (343 bytes) The 1970s

ball2.gif (371 bytes)The 1980s

ball3.gif (1101 bytes) The 1990s

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Millicent North Primary School (yr 6/7 class)
This website was put together as part of a web competition by Miss Scott's Year 6/7 class in Millicent, South Australia.
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