1. Membership

The Philippine Board of Pediatric Surgery (PBPS) shall be composed of five (5) members appointed from the list of diplomates by the Board of Directors of the Philippine Society of Pediatric Surgeons (PSPS). The members should have the following qualifications:

Diplomate of the PBPS for at least 5 years

Fellow of the PSPS

An academic appointment in a medical school

The term of office of a members is for four years with no prejudice for reappointment. The Chairman of the Board will stay as ex-officio member for another 2 years.

A. Functions

1. To give examinations to eligible candidates in Pediatric Surgery

2. To give certificates to those who have passed the certifying examinations

3. To give in-training examinations to residents/fellows in training

B. Definition of a Pediatric Surgeon

1. Basic knowledge of embryology, genetics, anatomy, physiology, fluids and electrolytes, metabolism, nutrition, shock, sepsis and resuscitation, oncology, transplantation, and critical care as it applies to pediatric patients.

2. Adequate knowledge and skills in all phases of care of an injured child.

3. A comprehensive skill in diagnosis, preoperative, operative and postoperative care of patients with diseases of the alimentary tract, abdomen and its contents, head and neck, skin and soft tissues, and endocrine system.

4. A working knowledge of some urologic, plastic, pulmonary, vascular, transplantation and endoscopic surgery.

5. An understanding of the management of patients with cardiac, neurologic, orthopedic and ENT surgical conditions.

6. An adequate practical experience in proctosigmoidoscopy.


II. The PBPS Examination

The PBPS certification examination consists of three parts. Part I is a written examination consisting of varied questions embracing the total concept of a Pediatric surgeon as defined by the PBPS. Passing the written examination is a prerequisite to taking the Part II certifying examination.

Part II is an oral certifying examination. It is a one-half day session, which determines the clinical competence of the candidate as a Pediatric Surgeon.

Part III is a practical certifying examination, which helps determine the technical competence of the candidate. This is given a few days after the oral certifying examination. The candidate automatically qualifies for the Part III upon passing the oral certifying examination. The candidate is given an index pediatric surgical case and is evaluated by at least two diplomates of the PBPS. The candidate's performance is scored based upon a rating scale for technical skills.

A. Requirements for Admission to the Examination

1. The candidate must have passed the certifying examination given by the Philippine Board of Surgery.

2. He must have finished a 2-year program in Pediatric Surgery in a PSPS-accredited training program.

3. He must submit for evaluation, a list of operative procedures performed during his training. The operative experience must be at least 100 major operations.

B. Application Procedures

1. Part I Examination

a. The candidate must write a formal application letter to the Board together with the information sheet and list of operative procedures and other documents. The application form and fee must be submitted to the Board at least 30 days before the scheduled examination.

b. The Board will evaluate his/her application and if qualified will be allowed to take the Part I certifying examination.

c. The candidate will be informed of the action of the Board.

2. Part II Examination

a. The candidate must fill up the application form.

b. The application form and fee must be submitted to the Board at least 30 days before the scheduled examination.

c. The candidate will be informed of the action of the Board.

3. Part III Examination

a. The candidate is automatically qualified to take the practical certifying examination upon passing the oral certifying examination.

b. The candidate will be informed by the Board immediately of the results of the oral examination.

C. Certification

1. A candidate who has successfully passed all the examinations will be issued a certificate signed by the members of the Board which attest that the recipient is a specialist in Pediatric Surgery.

2. Such candidates are called Diplomates in Pediatric surgery.

D. Re-examination

The Board on a case to case basis may impose additional requirements for those who fail the Part I or Part II examination for more than 3 times.