Sal's Thoughts





We only get it once! You can make of it what u like. Sure it is easier said than done, but motivation, strength, passion and determination is all u need to make your goal/ dream in life a reality. Throughout life we travel down a long road, and like any road, we must learn how to drive on it.

So, we begin on our learners (as children), having been taught the basics. Then we begin to become a little more independent and go onto another level of a probationary license (adolescence). Finally we are on our own, as we become adults we are free to explore the routes with the knowledge acquired throughout our experiences.

Along this road of life, we r guaranteed to stumble on a few stones, get lost and lose our path or even end up stuck in the same place for days. All these experiences eventually end with an educational outcome. An outcome that is taken as a precaution down the next path we choose to take or not to take from our previous experiences. Throughout life, we may endure some difficult and terrifying experiences, some worse than others,

however, I believe it eventually strengthens us and allows us to grow and learn and discover ourselves in this big great place we call earth. Life is a great gift, one that shouldn't be taken for granted. We should dive into it and explore it




Religion To me, religion is the foundation of my beliefs. Without my religion (Coptic Orthodox) I would be lost and confused, as it gives me a sense of hope, faith, inner peace and true happiness. To me, God is a heavenly Father, one that listens and provides for me all that I have today and all that I will be in the future. I guess I can be confident in stating how I feel about God through my experiences with Him, and until then, I guess people will never know!




My sister once said to me that, “the body is purely a carrier of a person’s soul” To me, that column’t have been less than the truth!




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