Saskya's Thoughts



Ahh, love. The thing that most people search for their whole lives. We spend countless hours and and immense amount of energy to find the "right one". I personally believe in the "soul mate". I believe that everyone has one. But I also believe that not everyone FINDS their soul mate in each lifetime.

For some reason undetermined to us at this consciousness level, the fates keep some of us separated from our soul mates in some of our lives. Is it to teach us a lesson? Only the fates know for sure. I think that one does not need to search for one's soul mate, either. It kinda, just... happens. When it is supposed to, and where it is supposed to. And when you DO happen to stumble upon one another.... well, it doesn't always work out. Once again for reasons unknown.

I wonder how many of us have actually MET our soul mates, and not known it? Maybe we were with someone else at the time, and didn't have our eyes open to the possibility.. Maybe we were too stubborn to give them a second chance after a bad first meeting? It is not for us to know. Perhaps the time was not right, and you will stumble upon each other later?

Do you know how many people are married right now, that say that they would marry the SAME person over again? One in Six. One person in six says that they married the right person and would marry them again. That is so sad. The divorce rate is at an all time high. People do not take their relationships as seriously as they should... Relationships are work!

You have to communicate and compromise, be open and honest, caring and sharing. All that comes with practice, and encouragement. Then again, relationships, when you find the right one, are as easy as pie. And yes, I do know. I am married. And I am that one person who says I will marry my spouse again. And again. And again. And again. You see, I have found my soul mate. It is as plain to me as the nose on my face. I know it with my heart, my body, and my soul. And on top of that, HE knows it too!! He inspires me, he encourages me, he supports my every decision, he shares himself with me, and he gives himself to me.

We are the couple that everyone wants to be, but that everyone hates to see coming. They hate to see the total love and total joy and total trust they see in our eyes when we look at each other. Yet everyone wishes their own relationships could be like that.... Trust me,... if you do not feel like that now, you will someday. Maybe not in this life, but you will. The fates and the Goddess do not keep us from our soul mates for very long.


Everything happens for a reason. But on top of that, I also believe that we are in charge of our fate. We make choices that affect us our whole life's, in some obvious ways, and some very subtle ways as well. I believe that before we reincarnate, we actually choose the general direction for our life's. Not everything specifically... that is left to our conscious souls. But I think that our higher selves decide which lessons we need to learn in this life time. And if we do not learn them... well they are put back up on the board for another time. So in a way... we ourselves, our higher selves that is, are our Fates! You know those 3 women who are in charge of what happens to us? They are US! So while the Fates are in control of a part of our lives... it is truly US in control. Neat thought, huh?


I believe in the Summerland. The place that our souls go to await reincarnation. A place of rest and relaxation after a hard stint here on earth. A place that is always green and full of life... in short, heaven, but it is not permanent! We get to choose when to return, where, and even how. I think we start out small... then work our way up to being human. And once here... Well... we have a lot to learn. It takes several lifetimes to learn it all. How many depends on each individual soul....Consequently, death is not something to fear. It is just another stage in our evolution. A moving on..

Until we may meet again...

Your Muse,



but until then, if you care to find a bit more about me, you can glimpse into me a bit further at my own website. It is an art gallery mostly, but I have put a lot of me into it, and all of my drawings are posted there. It defiantly says as much about me as this little essay has! Oh and feel free to email me with any questions or comments. (email link on the picture!)