Solene's Thoughts
Independence is a wonderful thing,especially when you first discover it. You realize that no matter how bad things get you can make it on your own. You hold the power to create your own life; not depend on others to make decisions or influence yours. Independence leads to self discovery, finding yourself and where you fit into the scheme of things.
You become aware of who you are and where you want to go. The road to independence is long and there are so many twists and turns; around each one you learn something more about yourself. If you are willing to take the trip you will find a place so amazing and real that you'll wonder why it took you so long to start the journey. In the end you become yourself
Music is such an important part of life. Many people overlook it's power, it can evoke such strong emotions. It takes you back, it makes you look forward, it makes you dream. Music has the power to make you so happy and also the power to make you so sad. Just a few notes can bring you to the heights of joy yet those same few notes can also make your heart ache. Music affects you deeply,
a lone voice singing a haunting melody can make u feel alone in a crowd of people, a clash of musical instruments and voices can make u feel as if you are on top of the world no matter the situation. Music fills your life. You can always identify a song or a composition of music that brings back a flood of memories and emotions, it brings them closer to the surface where it evokes the feelings and makes you feel the way you did the first time; just close your eyes, listen and you are there.
The Soul
I believe that the soul is Eternal, transcending space and time. I believe that each soul simply inhabits a physical form for that body's lifetime. Once the body dies the soul moves on to another. I believe that I have an old soul. I feel connected to the past and I think that the choices I have made so far in this lifetime are based on my soul's past experiences.
It explains why I am drawn to certain people and certain things. For many people this idea of a reincarnated soul is preposterous. They simply don't understand it or they choose not to believe it. I am sad for these people. Believing that we ARE our soul and that we will return again and again in other lifetimes will allow us to understand ourselves.
Once we realize this, questions about ourselves can be answered. For someone to close their mind totally to this... well they are missing the point. Enjoy your life, experience it. Your soul is what makes you , YOU. What ever your choices, opinions, thoughts; they are all governed by your soul. I believe that my soul has directed me to where I am today and will continue to guide me into my future and into my next life.
My soul is here to teach me. I am at a point in my life where soul searching is what I need to do. I need to become more aware of my soul in order to understand why I am where I am in my life right now and where I want to go. My Soul holds all the answers to all my questions. I just need to learn how to ask them.
I believe that everything happens for a reason, good or bad. There are no coincidences; whatever happens, even if it cannot be explained rationally at the time, there is a meaning for it. Whomever we meet, whatever life choices we make, everything we do happens for a reason.
Love is the most complex emotion that you will ever feel in your life. Just when you think you've found love, it slaps you in the face and you realize that you don't even know what it is. Love is unpredictable. Just when you think you're settled in your ways and have your life in order it takes a complete 180 turn and pulls you in another direction. Love is connected to both your heart and your mind. Usually these two things argue about love. Each has it's own idea about love. The Mind being practical and logical about it and the Heart being driven by instinct and emotion. Both are very powerful but ultimately one wins over the other. It's up to the individual to decide who wins. The battle is usually long, hard fought and draining both emotionally and physically. Love will do that to you.