SY Above Common Law

A while ago I had the following exchange with Simon:
SY do break the law when it suits them. They believe the interests of mataji and SY are above human law.

Can you give examples?

Breaking immigration law, theft, tax evasion, benefit fraud, damaging listed building. This is all I can think of. The general principle is that mere human law is nothing before the interests of the divine.

What is an enlisted building?

A building of historic value that you have to get special planning permission before making certain alterations. Actually I was thinking of a 300 year old panelled ceiling that was destroyed.

This kind of slipped by with me, but I recently got hold of the document I quote below. Oh dear. It certainly caught my attention.

Bulgarian Government Sends Realized Monitor

[From SY Newsletter, February 1997]
"Sofia (Jan 13) - About two years ago there was quite a big noise around the sects in Bulgaria. You know that with the coming of democracy, religious freedom comes also. Many religious movements, sects, cults from the East and from the West came to Bulgaria. There were numerous scandals because of suicides by some members of such movements.
Not in SY, of course. Not in our lives! Well, at least not the relative of anyone we know. Actually, some people died, but it was not our fault. Definitely.
"Then the ministry of religion (I am not sure that I am translating its name properly) required all nongovernmental organizations, especially religious ones to be officially registered. Many were denied such registration under the accusation of brainwashing of their young members, anti-societal activities and so on. Of course, most of the people put all movements who have the word "yoga" in their name under a common denominator. For a long time Sahaja Yoga was denied registration.

"We started a law suit and finally we have our Sahaja Yoga officially registered (not as a religion: but as a philosophical movement

We would have registered it as a crafts club (after all we do craft the human soul), or as a crystal swan collection club (some of us actually have such things) if we had to.
"You know, the orthodox Christians are very stubborn when it comes to accepting something new and progressive).
They're very conservative when it comes to the lives of their children, too. Petty, small-minded people!
"Our lawyer did a very good job, but even better was an official who was assigned to come to our meetings for some months to supervise us and to report to the court if we do "something wrong." It happened that this official had received his realization some years ago in Russia and made a terrific report in the court.
Oh dear. Come think of it, doesn't this disqualify him as a monitor, for an obvious conflict of interest and inability to assess objectively? But nobody figured it out, shhhh. Of course, we did not manipulate the authorities into using such a person for such a job, it was a pure coincindence. One of these miracles we see happening in SY every day.
"He expressed his amazement that for such a long time Sahaia Yoga has been discriminated against and denied a registration in Bulgaria.
Of course, the petty circumstance that we were breaking the law did not stop us from holding our meetings in the meanwhile. After all, these are only human laws, what do they matter before the Divine?
"That is why we are so happy now. You must have heard the news about the devastation of the Parliament building and the whole crisis.
[In January 1997 thousands of people quite literally threw the Communists out of Parliament, which precipitated early elections, won by the Democrats.]
"I know that we, as a collective, have to overcome something and clear away something,
but we can't quite figure out what... [Hint: the Commies. But the people already did that.]
"but we'll be very grateful if you put your enlightened collective attention on Bulgaria these days.
since we've lost our ability of independent thinking.
"I send you the love of all your Bulgarian brothers and sisters and wish you good luck in your Sahaja mission.


Vladimir Alexiev <>
Last modified: 25-Apr-1998