I'm a new member of the Libertarian party. Yeah, the guys on the fringe who KNOW the score but who are so outnumbered by hapless retards that we make up a tiny percentage of the population. The top beliefs of the libertarians are equal treatment under the law (nobody given "preferred" status), and freedom from intrusion by "big brother" into our lives. Basically the Libertarian philosophy is this...We don't give a damn what anybody does as long as it doesn't effect another person's life (assuming the person isn't WILLING). For example...If I wanted kids I'd get married and have some damn kids..but don't ask me to pay 28% in taxes to feed some welfare queen's kids. If you wanna take drugs, fine, but don't ask me to pay your hospital bill if you overdose. Another main point in Libertarianism is this...we believe a man (or woman) should be able to stand on their own two feet. Some people say this is "heartless" and "detached", I reply it's heartless to make good taxpaying citizens slaves to lowlifes too lazy to work for a living. Sure, some folks need welfare...but 3 generation welfare queens have become the norm in the cities. Nuff said.
One of the things I've noticed about Libertarians is they seem to have a more concrete grasp of the the Bill of Rights than the other parties. The Democrats and the Republicans have their dogmatic policies which they follow straight down the line, with the lines between the two parties increasingly blurred depending on political expediency. For example...what exactly is the difference between Al Gore and Bush Jr? Not a helluva lot, I can tell you that. But there's plenty of similarities...both claim credit for things they didn't do and both pander obsequiously to a public cowed by so-called "political correctness". It's disgusting. Meanwhile, the Libertarian candidate Harry Browne has laid his own viewpoints on the line time and time again, never lies to gain votes, and doesn't pander to anybody. He just tells it like it is. But therein lies the weakness of my party. We are straightforward enough to say how screwed up the status quo is and recommend the corrective steps be taken, and the baffled public, battered by years of secondrate schooling and "political correctness" are simply too sheeplike to recognize the problems. Our freedoms are increasingly being diminished. If you are wondering if you are a libertarian at heart, ask yourself this question..."Do I believe the government should be as it was established to be by the founding fathers?" THAT is what pisses off the libertarians...the attack on our constitutional rights by a bunch of political hacks who are in the pockets of special interests.