DoN Updated 6 January, 1998 Don't Just Be, Do! |
All of them are applicable anywhere to anyone; be creative. Share this list. Send your ideas and comments to
2. sports (ball (volley-, basket-, base-, foot-, rugby,...) golf, tennis, ...)
3. nature hike
4. go on a star constellation hike
5. water canal or railroad hike
6. improvise olympics
7. pet walk
8. jog
9. ultimate frisbee
10. barbed wire collecting
11. tie bricks to your shoes and go for a walk
12. bounce a potato
13. find a bug and chase it
14. roll down hill
15. play i-ball (make up some rules first)
16. treasure hunt
17. build a snowman (or snow-couch potato, snow-Buddha, -pink dinosaur, -dead rhino, etc,)
18. sand sculptures
19. snow/mud fight
20. rubber band war (dress up in costume for the occasion (safety goggles))
21. hold a tree climbers meeting
22. tennis
23. camping
24. water fight
25. water balloons
26. look for a rainbow
27. creek stomp
28. visit a farm
29. pick up pollution
30. ride a Bigwheel
31. explore industrial area
32. try to fly
33. nocturnal orienteering
34. attach a light stick to a kite and fly it at night
35. shaving cream fight
36. jello wrestling
37. paint ball
38. war games
39. demolition derby
40. archery
41. make a water slide with a hose and plastic sheet
42. swim
43. scavenger hunt
44. play games you remember from elementary school (bombardment, ghost in the grave yard, hide-and-seek, tag, hopscotch, jumprope)
45. diving
46. catch fireflies
47. catch critters and have a race
48. "extreme sledding" i.e. off cliffs into snowdrifts
49. dive into piles of leaves and snowdrifts
50. as much as possible, skip rather than walk
51. string up Christmas lights
52. mow your lawn with scissors
53. go to a place where there are street performers and become one, put out a dish to accept money, but just sing "I'm Henry the Eighth" or "99 bottles of beer on the wall" etc. over and over again
54. dry clothes in the sun
55. play in sandbox
56. have a campfire with singing and stories
57. cook banana /chocolate boats in a campfire or smoores
58. blow bubbles
59. build a castle of readily available materials
60. float walnut shell candles
61. seed spitting
62. oral grape catching
63. critter crawl
64. yell contest
65. swing
66. plant a tree (etc)
67. plant stuff (cereal, pens, brother's socks, the whole tree ...)
68. be a character in a movie
69. see pictures in the clouds
70. go to a graveyard
71. look for a 4 leaf clover
72. make flower necklaces
73. play with fire
74. picnic somewhere really weird (deep in a forest, downtown, at a wreckyard, in a parking lot)
75. pick flowers
76. bathe pet
77. go fishing
78. build a monument to yourself
79. model hardware (try on pipe elbows, hats, etc.)
80. binoculars
81. car painting
82. visit parks
83. boat
84. at a national park, pull of to the roadside and point up a hill, oohing and gawking. When other people start pulling over to see what it is, leave them and see from a distance how many join
85. pick strawberries (or other fruit)
86. tree fort
87. whipped cream pie throwing contest (at people)
88. lawn games (lawn darts, croquet, bocce, horseshoes)
89. wear PJ's to a drive-in
90. launch model rockets
91. attend state/county fair
92. sacrifice spam
93. magnifying glass
94. follow
95. follow a few paces behind someone, spraying everything they touch with a can of Lysol
96. stuff people in a telephone booth
97. aerobics
98. road rally
99. powder puff football
100. crab-walk up 3 flights of stairs loudly singing happy birthday to yourself
101. try to set a record for hugging the highest number of fast food fry cooks in a day
102. horizontal rock climbing on street or floor (act)
103. hold an overdramatization day
104. skate
105. plant a hedge in strange places, (around cubicles at a business)
106. put up "no trespassing" signs around someone's house so they have a surprise when they get home
107. hang loose in rubber boots & sunglasses, and a trench coat, and dance
108. rescue domesticated plants
109. encase large items in saran wrap
110. set alarms for random times in random places
111. buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets
112. go to an airport to watch families reunite
113. show and tell
114. foreign language
115. current affairs discussion
116. turn things upside-down
117. name everything you see
118. start a rumor and listen for it (or something remotely similar) to return
119. tell people things like "blow it up through your mule" and "are you twisted up?"
120. drive in reverse
121. browse in a used book store
122. give a "difficult person" in your life a sincere compliment
123. make friends with unusual people
124. be cool
125. find parents and ask to borrow their son/daughter
126. exchange
127. science fiction club
128. visit people at a nursing home
129. white elephant gift exchange
130. gate crash a formal party and walk around with toilet paper on your shoe ...
131. dress up like a blueberry for a day
132. gently smash an egg on your head
133. palm reading
134. wear something unusual
135. shoot a roll of pictures without film in your camera
136. pretend you're one of Pavlov's dogs and drool (slobber) whenever you hear a phone ring
137. salute or sing whenever you hear certain words
137. misnumber a list and pass it out to lots of people
138. check under chairs for chewing gum
139. set your watch back 40 min so people can just come up and look at what time it is
140. take a chair everywhere you go
141. talk to an invisible friend
142. grease doorknobs
143. attend a religious service of a different faith or culture
144. introduce yourself to people you don't know
145. attend a meeting of a randomly chosen club
146. take a survey
147. hold hands publicly with someone of different race/ same sex
148. take photographs
149. black and white photos
150. classical music
151. library
152. church
153. sharpen pencils and trade them
154. sharpen pens
155. play tourist in your own town
156. ask friends to come out and play
157. turn tables upside-down
158. stamp friends
159. pick up some vacation travel information
160. visit a pet store
161. attend a Pentecostal /gospel church to hear the music
162. apply for / ask about jobs you never seriously considered
163. hang corn stalks, food, and other brightly colored items from trees
164. create awards for friends
165. put on clothes backwards
166. dress up
167. hold a seance
168. present teaching /lectures
169. fun with photo booths
170. go shopping and try on everything; buy some things and return them; test drive a car
171. get a new haircut
172. buy a set of foreign language tapes
173. attend a concert or monster truck rally
174. drop a "lucky" dollar on the street and make someone's day
175. distribute funny cartoons
176. change toothpastes
177. buy a magazine you've never bought before
178. toss watermelons and televisions from high places
179. learn cosmetics for a different skin color
180. take a city tour on the bus
181. wander a fleamarket
182. tour a factory
183. buy an old electronic/ mechanical thing at a garage sale, take it totally apart and put it back together
184. attend a musical
185. play w/ tape or video recorder
186. develop film
187. museum
188. explore family owned restaurants
189. hold a gift exchange
190. buy something cheap and give it a new function (alter it?) e.g. a rain poncho, cat litter, shower cap
191. use practical joke gags (browse the toy store)
192. hide smiley face stickers in people's possessions
193. throw glitter around
194. make photocopy art (strange objects, body parts, move the object with the machine ...)
195. race pineapple boats
196. the U.S. Postal Service will mail just about anything with stamps, try an old shoe, tree bark, a coaster, etc.
197. decorate a car like it's from a wedding and drive around honking
198. go to a computer lab and watch to see what comes out of the printers
199. every time someone asks you to do something, ask them to sign a wavier
200. every time someone asks you to do something, ask them if they want fries with that
201. page yourself over the intercom of a business, department store
(do or don't disguise your voice)
202. come to work in your pajamas
203. schedule meetings for odd times (2:37 pm)
204. "Hi-lite" your shoes. Tell people you haven't lost your shoes since you did this.
205. learn Morse code, and have conversations with friends in public consisting entirely of "Beeeep Bip Bip Beeeep Bip..."
206. order a side of pork rinds with your filet mignon
207. publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a "croaking" noise
208. honk and wave to strangers
209. begin all your sentences with "ooh la la!"
210. repeat everything someone says, as a question
211. finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophesy"
212. Do not add any inflection to the end of your sentences, producing
awkward silences with the impression that you'll be saying more any moment
213. write "X - BURIED TREASURE" in random spots on all of someone's
214. leave tips in Bolivian currency
215. wear a cape that says "Magnificent One"
216. routinely handcuff yourself to furniture, informing the curious that you don't want to fall off "in case the big one comes"
217. go to the spaghetti factory, watch them make pasta
218. money splurge with a small amount ($5 is hours on a ten cent ride, whole box of surgical gloves, surplus candles or lots of gumballs)
219. lift weights
220. throw a sponge at a window
221. darkness (no sight)
222. start a band (perhaps improvise instruments)
223. magic marker fight
224. make a circus
225. play leapfrog
226. safe sex
227. juggle
228. stuffed animal party
229. nostalgia night
230. eggroll party
231. tea party
232. book party
233. bubble gum party
234. hold a purple party (each person must wear purple, bring a purple food, and a purple activity)
235. hold a clear party
236. toga party
237. hold a midnight beach party in a sandbox (beach ball, lounge chairs, swimsuit, towels, music, moontan lotion ...)
238. slumber party
239. paranoid party
240. light road flares on a birthday cake
241. story telling
242. play with toys in the tub
243. rub lemon
244. play with colloids (liquid that's a solid under pressure) (corn starch and water)
245. write a short story using alphabet soup
246. polish your car (etc) with earwax (etc)
247. leaf through National Geographic and draw underwear on the people
248. make a list of things you've already done (make sure to cross them all off)
249. jam 39 tiny marshmallows up your nose and try to sneeze them out
250. fill out official (e.g. tax) forms in Roman numerals
251. use a piece of child's artwork as a cover page for a report
252. pop some popcorn without putting the lid on
253. take a bath or shower by candlelight
254. put the toilet paper so that it rolls the other way
255. rearrange
256. don't follow the news for 7 days
257. send a silly card to someone
258. look through a mail order catalog and send yourself (or someone else) a present
259. chug Dr. Pepper
260. boxer shorts
261. dump fall leaves on the living room floor
262. see how many pieces of bubblegum you can chew at one time
263. radio
264. purple toenails
265. go to bed and wake up and hour earlier
266. paint windows
267. design paper airplanes
268. leave for work 10 minutes early and ...
269. meditation
270. kazoo band
271. make crossword puzzles
272. sleep on the other side of the bed
273. breakfast in bed
274. beard growing contest
275. body painting
276. massage
277. scrap book
278. mix new stuff in a blender
279. invent a new way to blink your eyes
280. dance with a toaster to Barry Manilow records
281. stick things between your toes
282. take a bath/shower with your clothes on
283. put on as many shirts, pants, socks, as you can
284. turn the radio just a little off station
285. count your teeth with your tongue
286. fold a banana
287. squish a loaf of bread
288. make little people out of your squished bread and eat them
289. go on a cleaning binge
290. go to an invisible party
291. unplug everything
292. measure your hair
293. stuff your pockets
294. throw a tomato at a fan
295. tell your feet a joke
296. listen to music you never have before, or not often
297. watch TV with the sound off
298. write comics
299. unscrew
300. oil a squeak
301. computer
302. look at old pictures
303. new hairdo
304. gurgle
305. make secret code
306. write letters in lemon juice (when dry, expose them with hot light bulb)
307. shave
308. build a snowman with mashed potatoes
309. go through saved junk
310. speak with an accent
311. watch an old movie
312. watch a cult classic (B) movie
313. build card houses
314. create a new religion
315. masturbate
316. plan adventures
317. tell jokes
318. remember
319. make up a solemn holiday and send out cards
320. start a reverse chain letter: each person mails out a present to 10 friends and sends 1 thank you card to their mailer saying the others have gone out
321. cook with a clothes iron
322. tarot cards
323. make faces
324. face painting
325. start a political debate
326. be a disc jockey
327. celebrate a holiday from another part of the year (e.g. Christmas)
328. read poetry (or read song lyrics like poetry)
329. read aloud
330. learn magic tricks
331. examine new points on a philosophical issue
332. learn new words
333. hang your pictures crooked
334. memorize quotes from your favorite movies and songs
335. make a haunted house
336. lip synch
337. karioki
338. adjust the tint on your television so that all the people are green, and insist to others that you "like it that way"
339. tape pieces of "Sweating to the Oldies" over climactic parts of rental movies
340. explore new colors for writing letters
341. write a resume for an imaginary job
342. send a letter or card to yourself
343. write your own newspaper
344. write poetry
345. letter writing to friends, congress, pen-pal, Amnesty International, the editor, etc
346. calligraphy
347. call 800 numbers and get start interesting conversations with the operators
348. make sculptures from lint (raid a clothes dryer)(colors)
349. tie dye
350. sew
351. jello painting
352. finger painting
353. make warm fuzzies
354. make creatures with pipe cleaners (and candy canes, etc.)
355. graffiti
356. paint Easter eggs
357. paint or draw from life
358. build models
359. create tactile art
360. draw pictures
361. make paint from rose petals
362. make /play with finger puppets
363. puppets from nylons and cotton
364. make personality poster collages
365. straw paint blowing
366. sand painting (dye sand and pour on glue lines)
367. decorate water melon or squash
368. cut potatoes to make ink stamps
369. make stained glass windows from melted crayons
370. make stationary
371. make solstice /equinox cards
372. origami
373. use an ink pad to make thumb prints and then turn them into people and pictures
374. oil based clay
375. playdough
376. build with wood
377. make candles
378. knit
379. make jewelry
380. model rocket building
381. t-shirt design with fabric paints
382. create an elaborate costume
383. make cards by pasting in comic strips
384. bookmarks out of dried flowers
385. play a food tasting guessing game
386. play a food feeling guessing game (without hands)
387. create a game using rubber bands
388. jacks, marbles
389. pick-up sticks
390. dictionary game
391. learn a new card game
392. Dungeons & Dragons game
393. board games
394. make up a role playing /fantasy game
395. make new rules for chess
396. eat mangos naked
397. play catch with food, catching with mouth
398. try food from a different culture
399. eat with chopsticks
400. try a new food
401. bake creatively
402. eat messy food without utensils
403. have a formal dinner at an exotic location (in the woods, a cave, etc)
404. barbecue
405. invent recipes
406. race to eat 5 crackers then whistle
407. make wine
408. lie on your back eating celery and using your naval as a salt cellar
409. gourmet cooking
410. chocolate fondue
411. cheese fondue
412. food fight
413. cookie decorating
414. ice cream sundae gorge
415. make your own tea (flower petals (hibiscus, rose), orange peels, spices)
416. ...
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