I have quite a few fantasy and sci-fi authors that I like. Mercedes Lackey, Sara Douglass (she's Australian), Patricia Kennealy-Morrison, Isobelle Carmody, Morgan Llywelyn, and Marion Zimmer Bradley for the ladies; David Eddings, Raymond E. Feist, Robert Jordan, and Larry Dixon (Mercedes Lackey's husband) for the gentlemen. Links: Robert Jordan-The Ways. An excellent, if somewhat long-winded author. The Mallorean Tavern-The Official David Eddings Site The High King of fantasy!! Queen's Own-The Official Mercedes Lackey Fan Club The High Queen of fantasy!!! Sara Douglass' Homepage An excellent Australian author Morgan Llywelyn's Page Good historical fiction Patricia Kennealy-Morrison's Homepage The author for Celtic (or Keltic) sci-fi/fantasy Raymond E. Feist Another fantastic author Isobelle Carmody-The Unofficial Fan-club Another excellent Australian author Marion Zimmer Bradley's Homepage. A fine author and forerunner of sword-and-sorcery who recently passed away. R.I.P.