Fairy Folk |
Clothing- fairies dress varying by culture, and type of fairy. Ex. a flower fairy would wear a flower as a dress and have translucents wings or leaves for wings, etc. Fairies are usually colorful, or earthy colors, or simply sparkling beauties. Simple gowns or robes can be worn to dress as fairies, decorated colorfully, or sparkly, etc. Food/Drink- traditional fairiy foods are: nuts, berries, potatoes, corn, pot pies, fuit pies, fish, breads, fruits, and greens. traditional fairy drinks are: ale, mead, elderberry wine, Sloe gin, water, and cream. Music & Dance- It is rare that you would meet a fairy who doesn't enjoy dancing. Fairies dance in circles around fires, in mushroom rings, from dusk till dawn. It is a pure joy for them. Instruments like fiddles, whistles, harps, drums, bagpipes, and flutes are used. Some daces are: Irish Jig- step dance consisting of knee lifting and heel kicking, Spiral Dance- moves sunwise in a circle. leader breaks off and moves inward, hence spiral. when they reach the center turn opposite. Snake Dance- needs lots of room, for the dancers undulate their lines in imitation of a snakes movement as they circle around the sacred site. the gyrations of the dancers are always westward in track of sun. this dance can turn into spiral dance if desired. Fairy Ring/Great Circle- to cast the great circle, 1st designate an area. determine center& use a compass to find each of four directions. Using a 9-ft cord (green or brown preferrably), make a loop on each end and slip the blade of your athame or stick in one loop and then stick in center of circle. stretch out cord to fullest length and walk sunwise, dragging on foot behind (or have someone mark the circle as you go) till circle is complete. |
Faery Wicca Faery Wicca has the basic concepts of Wicca, but is more Faery-related, and honors the Sidhe. It is Celtic-originated and has many Irish teachings of the ancient faeries, Celtic division of the Year, the four Great Festivals, elaborate rituals with Irish mantras and chants and poems, prayers to faeries, Faery Rings, wands, tools, symbols, and talismans. There are many journeys, spiritual workings with ancients, and generally works in a Celitc way and background. Recommended books: Faery Wicca:Book 1, Faery Wicca: Book 2, both by Kisma K. Stepanich |
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