Definition: "halfbag:" describing a person who only completes half of the job; a lazy and/or flagrantly antisocial bastard.
Definition: "a-ball-a-bag:" an exclamation, usually muttered/shouted in the ear by Mills or any of his converts.
Origin: "halfbag" Bully Mkave and Wolfman.
Origin:"a-ball-a-bag:" Mills with help from Luigi.
Usage: Lobsta not going to the after-party? What a f*king halfbag. A-ball-a-bag!!
Definition: All variations of "bath" (taking a bath, big time bath, bathstyle) are used to describe an unfortunate situation, usually with the speaker losing money or time.
Origin: Bully Mkave.
Usage: I'm not going to take a bath on a new muffler.
Big Time:
Definition: "Big Time" can be used as an adjective or an exclamation; said to evoke excellence, excitement.
Origin: Mack told me he got it from some guy (Dave) he knew. Will it survive, post-yard?
Usage: Mills, moving away? No more a-ball-a-bag? Oh, Big Time.
Definition: "Broheim" is interchangeable with "bro," "bra," or any nickname for friends or colleagues. Can be used sarcastically with non-friends/non-colleauges.
Origin: I first heard Will Farrell say this on the '02 MTV Movie Awards. Heir to the Ton tells me there's some skit on SNL where they throw "broheim" around as well.
Usage: Whoah, your pants fell down there, broheim.
Definition: "Clown-shoes" is used to describe a less-than-savory item, activity, or performance. Also a slang name for the insane clown in the PSX Twisted Metal series.
Origin: T-Shirt was the first person I heard using "clown-shoes." Currently used less frequently but always a crowd pleaser.
Usage: I don't want to see "Triple-X." Looks way too f**kin clown-shoes.
Definition: "Crappy" roughly translates to "excellent," or "badass."
Origin: Lobsta came up with this one. Heard infrequently but still a classic.
Usage: That movie was downright crappy! I gotta buy that when it comes out on DVD!
First Timer:
Definition: A "first-timer" is a person engaged in an action and acting in such a manner that would lead one to believe it is indeed the first time this person has ever engaged in said activity.
Origin: the origin of "first-timer" is solidly Mack.
Usage: Yep, I had some first-timer go straight to the end of the line to order his sandwich today.
F*ck the Farmers:
Definition: A sarcastic phrase normally uttered in order to emphasize apathy or even disdain of others, especially the working class.
Origin: Bully Mkave.
Usage: Boycott Taco Bell just to raise some guy I never met's wages? Please. F*ck the farmers, man. I wish someone would boycott my job, so I could finally get me an X-Box.
Fisher Price, my first ______:
Definition: Very similar to first-timer. Used to describe a person's apparent lack of experience with x activity or object.
Origin: I believe this one came from a Wutang CD, brought to common usage by myself and Mack.
Usage: Nice Pulp Fiction poster. Fisher Price, my first dorm room.
Gaucho Bad:
Definition: 1. very bad; the "gaucho" prefix adds a dirty sort of emphasis.2. highly intoxicated
Origin: The Goat via Mack.
Usage: I saw the Cowboy
and they lost Gaucho bad.
Definition: normally used as a preface to any kind of deprecating, sarcastic comment. Can be used for self-deprecation.
Origin: Ton-Depot.
Usage: Godforbid you start picking up this f*king mess.
Definition: 1) muttered quietly, often as if mimicking a baby, "goo" is used to describe abject failure or screw up. 2) to fawn over or obsessively praise something or someone.
Origin: this one was brought to me by Mack.
Usage: 1) Ah, jeez, Chris Simms just f*king gooed it on that one.
2) Will you stop gooing over those new chips for five seconds and help me set up the poker table?
Definition: A "hack" is a rank amateur, a novice; someone completely lacking in proficiency in some general area (e.g. driving).
Origin: the origin of hack is unfortunately misty. Possibly introduced by Mkave, Mack, or Lobsta.
Usage: Ton-def, you are a f*ing hack with that remote control.
New Hotness:
Definition: The latest and greatest in toyland. Normally only the newest, most overpriced digital excelsior makes the cut to be the new hotness.
Origin: Maybe he heard it somewhere else, but I felt that Tony Grammar made this one famous.
Usage: I made it down to the midnight sale last night and picked up the new hotness.
Definition: A spontaneous, relentless verbal attack used to intimidate or disrupt an opponent, frequently associated with poker games.
Origin: I nod to Mackus.
Usage: I don't think the chips were even sorted before Lube started premaddogging me last night, that bastard.
Definition: describes an attractive and/or currently popular item or person.
Origin: Ton with a little help from Zoolander.
Usage: Aah, that girl from Blue Crush is sohotrightnow.
Way too fast for Leon:
Definition: describes a person or object traveling at an inappropriately excessive speed.
Origin: Lobsta was the first person I heard use this to describe actual traffic along tiny Leon St. near SGS.
Usage: Easy with that shopping cart, Speedy! Way too fast for Leon!
Wet Spaceship:
Definition: claiming to keep a "Wet Spaceship" can imply maintenance of excellence, vigilance, skill, or verility.
Origin: Bully Mkave, with a little help from Apollo 13.
Usage: Who, me? Well, I've just been hanging around, you know, keeping the spaceship wet.