This is the official website of the Society of Luminists.

The Society is the worldwide, nonprofit and nonsectarian organization whose purpose is to spread the Insight, Enlightenment, and Illumination of modern, spiritual Luminism. The major revelations and teachings of this universal and unifying belief system are contained in The Book of Lights. (Click here To Order)

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Copyright © 1999 Society of Luminists


Society of Luminists (SOL)

Founded at the dawn of the New Millennium, the Society of Luminists (SOL) is the international organization of modern, spiritual Luminism as explained in the Divine Revelations contained in The Book of Lights.

The mission of SOL is to spread the Insight, Enlightenment, and Illumination of Luminism as revealed through the Ten Lights. Luminists believe that the essence of all art, literature, philosophy, religion, and science is the same--and that is Love.  Luminism ascribes to the universal truth of all faiths, and the belief that there is no single, "right" religion--All are One--in Love

Membership in SOL is open to all people of all beliefs and faiths. The initial 144,000 members will be registered in the Society's official Registry of Luminists (ROL) as "Society Founders" in perpetuity. Persons may subscribe others (family members, friends) under "Society Founders" as a gift contribution.

To support SOL's mission, an annual Membership Contribution of $25 is requested. Revenues are used to "spread the Lights of Love." This donation is based on the eternal power of giving (which in essence is a true form of receiving). Any contribution, in any amount, is greatly appreciated.

To join SOL, please fill out the form by clicking the SOL Member Application below and submit it electronically. Please make your donation payable to Society of Luminists and send to: 

Society of Luminists
c/o Membership Contributions
P.O. Box 1442
Norfolk, VA 23501 


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Luminism is the "Light of Being." The word Luminism is derived from the Latin root lumen, meaning "light" and the Greek suffix -ismos, meaning the "condition of being."  Modern, spiritual Luminism seeks to integrate the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom of all the essential truths of art, literature, philosophy, religion, and science.  This integration reveals that all that has existence, essence, and experience is a form of eternal and infinite Light. 

Although Luminism has many artistic, historic, and spiritual references, all Luminists seek the purpose and meaning of Life in the radiant Beauty and Goodness of Light.  In modern, spiritual Luminism, this radiance of infinite Beauty and eternal Goodness is illuminated in the existence, essence, and experience of Love--which is the ultimate need and quest of humankind.  Luminism holds that the essence of all art, philosophy, religion, and science is the same--and that is the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom of Truth in Love.


Luminism in Art, History, and Religion

Historically, Luminism has been linked with the American artistic movement of the mid-nineteenth century known as with the Hudson River School of painting.  Landscape artists, such as Frederick E. Church, Fitz Hugh Lane, Sanford R. Gifford, Martin Heade, and others used the effects of light to capture the essence of their various subject matter.  Contemporary artists, such as Thomas Kinkade, Jim Behlen, Jr., and Louis Jones, have been cited as being of the "Modern Luminist" school of painting. 

Spiritual Luminism has many ancient and pre-historical references. Sometimes also referred to as "Illuminism," it is the belief that ultimate reality and Truth is illuminated in Light. Historically, this has long been a universal and unifying spiritual/religious principle. Many prehistoric people held a belief in the divinity of Light.  From the Earth's very beginning, the sun has always been recognized as the predominate source of Light and Life, and the stars and luminous planetary bodies have inspired humankind in a profoundly spiritual way. 

The ancient Egyptians gave their highest devotion to the deity of Light (Ra), and the Incas were known spiritually as the "Children of the Sun." Moreover, every major world religion, through their many sacred writings and countless adherents, has made reference to the Divinity of Light.  Jewish Cabalists, Buddhist Monks, Christian Illuminati, Shinto and Taoist priests, Native American Shamans, and the Moslem Sufis, have all revealed that Light is the essential focus to the attainment of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom in all matters worldly and other-worldly.

All "minor" belief systems--from ancient Celtic Paganism, to all the Native Earth religions, and modern Theosophy--teach that Light is the medium of Divine Revelation.  During the latter half of the twentieth century, the writings of numerous spiritualists--such as Julia Cameron, Deepak Chopra, Madonna Ciccone, Shakti Gawain, Harry Hone, Thomas Kinkade, Stephen C. Paul, M. Scott Peck, James Redfield, Walter Russell, Marianne Williamson, Iyanla Vanzant and others-- have narrated and testified to the spiritual Illumination of Light, which is always Love.


Luminism and Science

Science has also embraced the power of Light. Always searching for the Truth, the purpose of science has always been to gain Insight, Enlightenment, and Illumination about the world and universe. And although science has often focused on the merely physical, the most profound scientific discoveries and advancements of the past century confirm that the material universe is fundamentally a construction and function of Light.

Physicists refer to the fundamental material of the universe by many names (such as electricity, elements, energy, neurons, quanta, quarks, etc.). By whatever name, however, science is coming to understand that all these are various forms of an interconnected, interrelated, and integrated radiance of Light. Thomas Edison's discovery of the Light filament changed more than the physical nature of the modern world. It literally changed the way we "see" the world, but more importantly it represented the dawn of a newly enlightened period of human history.

Albert Einstein's monumental "Theory of Relativity" was inspired by the eternal and infinite nature of how Light functions in the perceivable universe. At the point at which the speed of Light is reached, all conventional wisdom concerning Time and Space transforms. Wilhelm Roentgen's discovery of X rays was a marvelous feat of technology's capability to "see" beyond the limits of human sight. Laser technology has dramatically changed almost every scientific discipline, from astronomy to zoology--and in medicine from AIDS research to prenatal ultrasounds. With sophisticated equipment, humankind can now glimpse into the miraculous and universal radiance of Light.

Computer technology is inherently based on the transmission of information at "lightning" speeds. Without a vast understanding and use of Light, the modern "Information Age" would be impossible. Think about the many hardware components which utilize various forms of "light" transmissions (monitors, CD-ROMs, Internet connections, etc.). In essence, all modern science, both theoretical and applied (say nothing of metaphorical), is dependent on the extensive knowledge, understanding, and use of Light.


Luminism's Modern Developments

Of profound interest is the fact that a convergent and simultaneous revelation (synchronicity) on spiritual Luminism has occurred (for example, when W.R. Adamson was divinely inspired to formulate the principles of the Ten Lights of Luminism contained in The Book of Lights, he was wholly unaware of the "formation" of The Church of Gnostic Luminism in 1997, as proposed by Dale R. Gowin).

Additionally, there are many other convergent developments--such as the "Lightwork" and "Light-Technology" movements--aimed at the integration of the essential wisdom of science and religion. The writings of James Hillman, Ken Wilbur, and Edward O. Wilson are only a few illustrious examples of a growing awareness of the harmonious and synergistic relationship of science and religion. Both seek and find the same Truth, only by opposite paths.

Modern, spiritual Luminism, as revealed in The Book of Lights, holds that all reality and consciousness is made up of different kinds of Light--which is physical, metaphysical, and spiritual. The Ten Lights of Luminism clarify Universal Reality and Unified Consciousness so we can know, understand, and attain wisdom.  Luminism also ignites the Light of our True Being, which is Love.

Luminism teaches the universality and unity of all belief systems. Any and all religious and spiritual paths are embraced which lead to Love. The Book of Lights teaches that human perception, thought, and understanding of Love is realized in eternal and infinite ways. This revelation, and countless others (such as the purpose of Individuality, the meaning of Variety, and the Love of Creativity), are "seen" through the Insights, Enlightenments, and Illuminations found in The Book of Lights .

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Spheres of Light (SoL's)

A Sphere of Light (SoL) is a group of Luminists who meet to discuss the principles and teachings contained in The Book of Lights. Each (SoL) has up to ten (10) members, and discussions are conducted on the "Five-Point Star" of Love as explained in The Book of Lights. Topics and readings are chosen by members, and each SoL acts independently using guidelines provided by the Society of Luminists.

SoL's meet as often as each SoL has the need.  Some meet monthly while others meet three times a year (during the three "Seasons of Lights"). Whatever the frequency of meetings, SoLs are the primary communities of Luminists formed to gain spiritual Insight, Enlightenment, and Illumination. In the future and as membership grows, SOL will also sponsor CyberSoL's, which will be on-line, interactive communities of Luminists.

There are no fees or dues associated with belonging to a SoL. Members generally meet in public places or private residences to share their intuition, imagination, and inspiration on various topics--from Nature, Fitness, Relationships, Art, Culture, Religion, Philosophy, Science, Peace, Charity, Contemplation, to the ultimate expression of spirituality, which is Love. 

Readings, similar to book clubs, are agreed upon by SoL members and are discussed on how they relate to our physical existence, mental essence, and spiritual experience.  These discussions also relate and compare the various topics with the teachings illuminated in The Book of Lights.

To join or start a SoL in your area, complete the SOL Membership Form and indicate that you are interested in becoming a SoL member in the "comments" field provided. Thank you.


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The Ten Lights of Luminism

All that exists is a form of Light.  Light has three manifestations--physical (matter), metaphysical (mind), and spiritual (spirit). Each of these three manifestations, clarified in The Book of Lights, can be understood through the Ten Lights of Luminism.

Three lights explain the physical Dimension: Lux, Flux, and Love Insight.  Three lights permeate the metaphysical Continuum: Nexus, Plexus, and Love Enlightenment.  Three lights illuminate the spiritual Spectrum: Soul, Life, and Love Illumination.

The Ten Lights are systematically explained in The Book of Lights. Through concentrated study, contemplation, meditation, and prayer, The Book of Lights, teaches the Luminist that all physical Reality is interconnected, that all metaphysical Consciousness is interrelated, and that all Spirituality is integrated. The Ten Lights illuminate that the interconnection of the physical Dimension is perceived in eternal Beauty, that the interrelation of the metaphysical Continuum is conceived in infinite Goodness, and that the integration of the spiritual Spectrum is the Living Soul in Divine Love. The Ten Lights explain and clarify the ultimate and unifying nature of Individuality, Variety, and Creativity--which is Love.

The Sixth Light of Luminism is the Sphere of Light Unto Separation (Solus). Solus is derived from the Latin, meaning "alone, isolated, separate." This Light reveals the basis of all suffering, which is the illusory perception (through the senses) that things in the material world are disconnected; which is the illusory conception (through the rational mind) that the world of ideas (metaphysics) is unrelated; and which is the illusion that the material and immaterial (body and mind) do not integrate into a Greater Whole, which is the Spiritual.

In fact, Solus gives rise to the self-in-need (sin) for connection, relationship, and integration&emdash;which can only come through the Path of Love. Yet human history is replete with examples of how Solus has caused suffering through division and destruction. A person in Solus believes in the illusion that the physical world can be divided into separate and unrelated "things." The world of ideas is also dissolved by Solus, and is the cause for all sorts of division (even to the point of intolerance and war) in economics, class, ideology, politics, ethnicity, etc.

People in Solus also "see" the body and mind as unrelated and not as an integrated third and Greater Whole, which is the Spirit. In fact, every conflict (whether individual or social) can be understood through the Light of Solus, and clarified through the Lights of Love. Thus, the Ten Lights reveal that Love is expressed through all paths which lead to the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom that everything is interconnected, interrelated, and integrated--which is the universal and unified existence, essence, and experience of Love

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The Book of Lights

Ten Lights of

The Book of Lights is a work of Divine Revelation written in the last three years of the twentieth century (1997-99) by W.R. Adamson. The book is the result of a profound spiritual experience and awakening by the author who wrote the book according to divine inspiration. The result is The Book of Lights which clarifies the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom required to discover each person's unique and spiritual destiny, which is to live fully in the Light of Love.

The Book of Lights is the foundational text of modern, spiritual Luminism. What the Bible is to Christianity and the Torah is to Judaism, what the Koran is to Islam and the Vedas are to Hinduism, and what the Analects are to Confucianism, The Book of Lights is to Luminism. The Book of Lights concisely integrates all the essential knowledge, understanding, and wisdom contained in all the illustrious works of human art, literature, philosophy, religion, and science.

The Book of Lights reveals in a concise and (trans)logical way, and explains that physical Light is known through the senses; that metaphysical Light is understood through the mind; and that spiritual Light is illuminated by the Soul as the experience of Life.

[View excerpts from the Book of Lights]

(Click here To Order The Book of Lights )

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Related Links

Luminism teaches that knowledge, understanding, and wisdom (Insight, Enlightenment, and Illumination) is attained by the study and contemplation of all Individuality, Variety, and Creativity of physical, metaphysical, and spiritual Light. As such, please

Visit the following related sites:

Amnesty International
Appalachian Mountain Club
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Cousteau Society
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Great Outdoor Recreation Pages
Health & Fitness Worldguide Forum
HelpNet Charities
ICON Health & Fitness, Inc.
Librarians' Index to the Internet
Myria: the magazine for mothers
National Geographic Society
National Recreation & Park Association
Nature Conservancy
PETA Online
Second Nature: Education for Sustainability
Sierra Club
Top Ten Links on Every Topic
Think Tank Links--Worldwide
World Wildlife Federation (WWF)
Yoga Resources

Art Resources
Education Meta-Index
English Language Resources
Ethnic/Cultural Resources
Galaxy (A World of Information)
Great Books Foundation
Human Languages Page
Internet Nonprofit Center
Library of Congress
National Public Radio (NPR)
Native American Spirituality
Nonprofit Organizations on the Internet
Online Papers on Consciousness
Philosophy At Large
Philosophy Resources
Public Broadcasting System (PBS)
Science Resources
Smithsonian Institute
The Need To Know Library
Theology Resources
United Nations (UN)
U.S. Universities
U.S. Federal Government Links

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Church of Gnostic Luminism
Daily Zen
Miscellaneous Theology and Spirituality
Science of Spirituality
Spiritual Links
Spirituality & Consciousness
United Communities of Spirit
Universal Perfection

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