really bad things

That was hard to tell you. It gets worse. I'm sorry, but it does. Maybe you should stop reading. But I can't stop telling. Now that I've started, I have to tell you everything. I don't even know who you are, and I have to tell it.

Khasra and I... started to talk about things. About what happened. About Sharrah. How she hurt people. And... maybe we should go away. This was hard for me. I was born there, and everything I knew was there. Everything. Sharrah was everthing. A lifetime of her tortures and viciousness shaped me into what I was. But it was killing me. And everyone.

I don't know how it happened, but I stopped wanting to kill Khasra all the time. Just sometimes. And we talked more. For weeks. I was happy, like I don't think I had ever been before. Really happy.

And then it happened. I don't know how. She had ears everywhere. Spies. Gryphons so scared of her they'd tell her anything to win her favor. Just like I used to be.

The guards came and got me. Dragged me to her. She screamed at me... called me things. And told me to get into the chains again.

Oh, skies.

I did.

She told me to... and I did it.

And she closed them on me... and.... and I tried to get away. It was too late. I had been ssso ssssssSSSTUPID!!! She told me, and I obeyed! After all I'd fought to get away....

She closed the chains. She told me she knew I was planning something. Told me I was a slut, and needed...

She ... brought the guards in. Almost all of them. And they used me. And she used me. And they tore me, and bit me, and slashed and.......

... and....

.... fffforr hours. I don't know how long. I tried to clamp my tail down, and she bit it off. She ate it. Ate my tail... in front of me, while....

I... can't.
You can't imagine everything they did.
It hurts too bad to even talk about it.

And when they were done. And she was .... done... they hurt me more.... then flew me to the gate of Windhaven, and opened my belly. I couldn't feel it. I couldn't feel anything.

I don't know why she made them leave me there. To warn them about talking to us? I don't know. I'll never know.

The Windhaven came out, and they didn't kill me. I thought they would. I would have. I could only barely breath, and the hole in me was so bad. And my wing was broken when they dropped me at the gate.

A mage, Kether, floated me. Forced some of the wounds closed.

It's a haze. I don't know for how long.

I have to stop again.
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