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Awards Given
We, along with other sites, feel it is necessary to give out awards to people who show outstanding work. The following are the awards given out:
This award is given out by Rhiannon Moonstone for sites that best depict Wicca (or other Pagan-related religions) in a positive light, teaching the truth behind our misunderstood religion. Sorry, this award is given by Rhiannon herself; you may not email or apply for it.
Again, this is not an award that can be applied for; Ileana Balefire will give out this special award to sites that have shown excellence in terms of Egyptian Magick, myths, and graphics - since most pagan sites are Celtic-based at the moment.
This award is given out by our site to other Pagan-related websites that show excellence in all areas - graphics, information, layout, etc. You may apply for this award or nominate a site you feel is deserving by sending us an E-Mail! All you need to do is the following: 1) Have or nominate a site that is Wiccan or pagan-oriented (no pornography, nudity, or inappropriate language allowed), 2) Sign our guestbook or message board, 3) E-Mail us with the Subject Line as "Award", and 4) In the e-mail, give us the URL, a description of the site, and why it should win. That's it!
Any site that wins one of our awards will automatically have a link added to our site, all we ask in return is that if you add the image of the award you have won, you also add a link back to our site as well.
Awards Received
Thank you Isis_Artemis for giving us our first award. Please take time to view her beautiful site. December 22, 1999 - What a nice Yule present!
Many thanks to Egypta, who says, "I really enjoyed browsing your website. A gathering of information from the three of you! Please accept my award :)" January 2, 2000
Thank you, Sir Lancelot, for this award given to sites dealing with Arthurian Mysticism. Visit his site - very detailed information on the Arthurian Legends! January 16, 2000
Please visit Morgan's lovely website! "I am pleased to present you with my award of Excellence. I just love
your site. Very informative and visually pleasing." January 23, 2000
"I've just journeyed through your enchanting internet realm and would be honored if you'd accept my Witchy Site Award!" Thank you to Raven BlackWolf for this honor! February 6, 2000
Sites that have won our Awards
F.O.T.E. was the first site to win Rhiannon's Award of Illumination for their wonderful work for our community. Make sure to visit their site!
Luxor was the first site to win Ileana's Blessing of Isis Award for its detailed information on Egyptian Wicca and legends.
Winners of The Wiccan Way's Award of Excellence