These eight words the Rede fulfill
An ye harm none, Do what ye will.
The Main Laws
As you can see, the Rede (pronounced like the word "reed") is very long. For many beginners, it can be confusing or hard to follow, so we have broken it up into the main laws in the Rede that all Wiccans should follow. They are:
Harm None This is found at the end of the Rede, and is the most basic and important of any of the laws. Wiccans do not harm other people, animals, plant-life, or Mother Earth. If you choose to follow the Wiccan Way, then this idea should be included in any spell. An example would be: "May this be for the good of all, the harm of none."
The Threefold Law Wiccans believe that anything you do, or "send", will come back to you - either three times better or three times worse. For example, if you did a good deed one day, you would receive wonderful things for yourself three times over. If you performed a hurtful spell on someone, you would be hurt three times worse. This is karma at work, basically.
"In perfect love and perfect trust..." Found at the beginning of the Rede, this concept is used most often when casting a circle, but also for initiates joining a coven. It is very important - both Rhiannon and Ileana have had experiences where another Wiccan did not follow this law, and covens were dissolved as a result. To truly be Wiccan, you must always trust and love your fellow Wiccans - and the God and Goddess as well.
The Golden Rule Not truly in the Rede, but it is the rule all Wiccans follow, nonetheless. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." In a sense, it sums up the previous laws mentioned.
As we said, these are the very basics and a good starting point for anyone who is interested in Wicca - no matter what type of Wicca. However, we strongly recommend much soul-searching, research, and reading before becoming Wiccan.