Il cantone di Kappellenberg li invita a

godere un giorno sul

Grande Canale!

(The Canton of Kappellenberg invites you to enjoy a

Day on the Grand Canal)

Aprile 12-14

This page contains information regarding:

Schedule of Activities

Arts and Sciences Competitions and Displays



Directions to the Site


Information to get in the spirit of things!

But first, the setting.It is the first half of the 16th c. and Venezia is enjoying a moment of peace between the wars with the League of Cambria. To celebrate, there will be a variety of fighting, dancing, and artisans touting their wares.

There will be opportunity to showcase the skill and prowess of our finest Chivalric fighters! Fighting opportunities will culminate in the traditional bridge battles our city is known for. For our wielders of the Rapier, an attempted coup d'etat will try to "Assassinate the Doge" and then will erupt into a Town Brawl.

Artisans and craftsmen, bring your goods or best works, and try to "peddle" your items or skills in a unique competition. Documentation is not required, but you should be prepared to talk in "first persona" about your craft and wares. This open display will be judged by popular acclaim. While items need not be of Italian influence or trade commodity, it would be favorable. For more specific information, please follow this link or contact the Artisan coordinator, Lady Clare Hele at

There will also be classes taught by some of our craftsmen and historians. If interested in teaching, please contact Lady Clare Hele (

There will be lots of dancing with a modified Caroso ball Saturday morning and informal balls both Friday and Saturday evenings! (For more information and a complete dance list follow the link!)

We invite all mountebanks, buffoons and performers to entertain us. Perhaps you too can earn the patronage of one of the noble families! (Please contact the autocrat if you would like to compete.)

Merchants should contact the reservationist (listed below).

There are some activities for children planned at various points throughout the day. Look on the schedule for what activities are happening when. Please remember that the people providing children's programming are here to enjoy the event too, and pick you children up at the appointed times.


Our cooks have been working diligently to provide a feast appropriate to the day. Would you like to see the menu? Those with special dietary concerns should contact the Head Cook, Lady Bryn y Pobydd (, 919-933-0291) The feast space will be limited, so please reserve early. There will be some off board space available, but with limited views of the evening's entertainment.


As we are all aware, prices for sites have been on the increase. We are covering a portion of the costs of this event ourselves, but must ask you to help offset some of these expenses.

Event fee is $8 for adults/ $4 for children 6-12 (5 and under guests of the Canton).

Camping fee is $1/ adult.

Feast spaces are $8 each (regardless of age).

**There is a $1 Event Fee discount for reservations received before April 1st.**

Please make checks payable to the Canton of Kappellenberg, SCA, Inc. and mail to:

Nick Soucy

c/o Canton of Kappellenberg

PO Box 1132

Chapel Hill, NC 27514.

Those wishing confirmation of their registration should include a self address postcard. Questions regarding feast space, camping, or other local arrangements should be directed to Girard (, 919-225-2343).

Site opens Friday evening at 6 PM and closes Sunday at Noon. Pets are permitted on leash only. This is a DRY event.

For any questions or concerns, contact the autocrat, Signora Sveva Lucciola (, 919-471-6104).


Take you best route to I85 in Durham. From either direction on I-85, take the North Duke St./ Hwy 501 Exit, #176b. After approximately 2.5 miles, Duke Street will merge and become Roxboro Road still going North. Continue on this another 6.5 miles and look for a state sign on right that reads "Bahama". Immediately after that sign turn right onto Bahama Road. (There will be a large wooden marker that reads "Lake Michie Reservation.) Go approx. 2.5 miles down Bahama Road. Turn left at the wooden marker for "Spruce Pine Lodge" and mailbox. (If you cross the lake, you have gone too far.) There should be SCA signs to guide you.

Related information to get in the spirit of things!
Handouts from Classes presented at Kappellenberg Canton Meetings:
Brief History of Venice
Ventitian Men's Clothing
History of the Gondola
There are many other souces of information regarding Venitian life, clothing, and crafts. Many of these can be found on the Kingdom of Atlantia Arts & Sciences links page.

Credits: Many of the images on this page, including the background were taken from
