Kingdoms of the Knowne World

Ęthelmearc Antir Ansteorra Artemisia
West Virgina,Western Pennsylvania, and Western New York. Oregon, Washington, N. Idaho, Uss Nimitz 8) British Colombia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon, NW Territory. Texas, Oklahoma. Southern Idaho, Most of Utah, Western Colorado, Wyoming, Montana.
Atenveldt Atlantia Caid Calontir
Arizona, parts of Utah and California. Maryland, Virginia, No. & So. Carolina, Piece of Georgia S. California, Greater Las Vegas, Hawaii, New Zealand Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Northern Arkansas
Drachenwald East Ealdormere Meridies
Europe Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Deleware, eastern NewYork, New England, Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland.

Most of Ontario

Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, The Panhandle of Florida, and small portions of both Kentucky and Virginia
Middle Outlands Trimaris West
Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, No. & So. Dakota, Manitoba, Ontario. New Mexico, Colorado, parts of Wyoming and Nebraska, also Elpaso and Huspeth counties of Texas


Southern Florida, Panama, Antarctica Northern California and Nevada, Alaska, Australia, Japan, Korea, and Pacific Rim

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