A Message To Christians
First of all, why did you come to this page? Was it to learn about a different religion with an open and accepting mind? If so, I applaud you for your open-mindedness. If you came here to satisfy a sort of morbid curiousity about 'Devil-worshippers', for shame. Pagans (which I am, Wicca is a Pagan religion) do not worship the devil. We do not even accept the fact that there is an absolute evil. The devil is a Christian creation, a warping of our Horned God. And I do not want any e-mails telling me I lie, or that I am worshipping the devil, and I just don't know it. I know what I worship, and it certainly is not a demon, devil, or anything evil. I am simply not that dumb.
If you truly want to learn about Wicca, whether it be for a school report, or because a friend/relative is converting to Wicca, good for you. You are truly wise when you can accept the existence of different methods of worship in the world and not be frightened by it. I myself come from a Christian background. I know what the Bible says about Witches, however I also know the Bible is not set in stone. During the Burning Times Priests changed certain passages in the Bible to suit their own need. For example, I'm sure you all know the passage that states 'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live'? Well, before the 'priests' changed it, it read 'thou shalt not suffer a poisoner to live'. Makes you think huh?
Well, if you have any more questions, visit my FAQ section, and if you do not find your question there, e-mail me at CailleachWicca@hotmail.com, I'll be happy to answer any intelligent question. And if I cannot answer it, I will either forward it to someone who can, or give you links/resources to find the answer.
Blessed Be! |