Whatever it is, you've got to have more.
Getting it-- and more of it-- is your top priority
as exemplified by your actions. Everything else is expendable.
When you don't get what feeds your addicition, you're upset and
angry, and anybody or anything is to blame--
You are destructive, abusive, defensive and/or aggressive toward
your environment and anything who/which
interferes with the
successful pursuit of your obsession.
You have unlimited excuses for pursuing your addicition, and are adept and uninhibited about lying to get what
you want.
You become obsessed with controlling others so they serve or
always accommodate you and don't interfere with
the pursuit of
your addiction(s)-- sometimes to the point of paranoia.
main page
self & ego
growth beyond ego & fear
your true self & other things
slick roads
CP extract: history of western spirituality
CP extract: control dramas/power theft
CP extract: understanding power theft
addictive behavior
addiction: the real reasons
serenity prayer
schools, learning, & adults
what of the future?
The Hopi
Author's totems
The Author's Journey
photo gallery
about the author
Quavajo's awards