"Friends are like notes of songs...
One melody,
One harmony,
Together, they make music..."
One would think that after almost three years of chatting, e-mailing, phone calls, and all that is entailed in making a friend, that I would have become bored with making new friends. Nothing could be further from the truth. I find myself meeting new friends daily. Some become very special lights in my life, friends that keep my heart warm with the thought of them. Others make an impact and move on though they are never forgotten. So once again I am updating this page. I offer my sincerest apologies to those that I have forgotten to mention.
- ghostin, The sweetest man to ever Ghost the Terrace *love and soft kisses*
- KoolHeart, the very BEST
- Broken Brain....One of the sweetest guys that I have met online.. After losing touch for over a year my Prince walked back into my life. I thank whatever Being who gave him back to me. *hugs* Special!!
- Damah I cannot begin to describe what this very special woman has meant to me. She is so much more than a friend. He wealth of knowledge and love of life have meant many late nights of chat, both serious and funny. No one deserves the title of Queen of the Terrace more than she. BUT!! Don't piss her off!! *hugest hugs* I love you Robyn.
- Pop&Kriss...*HUGEST HUGS and Love* For these two very special people all my love.
- chitchat kitten... One of my special friends.. a daughter among all the sons.. Love you sweetie..
- b-zarr-o ken He came to visit, he brought joy and laughter into my life, he always listened,called when I needed a FRIEND. My love always, Ken. *hug*
- Devious ArchAngel... Most call him Dev... I call him Angel. He is sweet, thoughtful, caring, loving, all the things that make him very dear and special. *kiss* Don't ever change.
- restless savage Friend and ???? *G* *kiss*
- EonTiger *S* The first to call alto Mom..*HUGS* I'm so proud of you...
- Kage Shinma... Now how do I describe this newest of friends? He's another computer nut, he's funny, kind, interesting and above all a great chat friend. Keeps the nights short for me. *HUGS*
- Saeda Stone *s* A wonderfull talented woman who always has a ready ear and a warm shoulder. *HUGS*
- JDK ROCKS IT....Hey son!! BEHAVE!! *ROFL* *HUGS*
- Tristan Moore....How do I describe the gift of caring that this man gives.. *hug*
- shamurai... The Zen Master, a guiding light in this world of darkness whose courage is unbeatable....
- Paule69,*HUGE HUGS and KISS* Artist, Poet, always a friend.....
- OthelloIago..... a Prince in disguise..He is there with a kind word and always ready for a paint fight...*L* Above all a true Friend..
- Magnificent Obsession....BEBBEEEE!!!! Sometimes one is lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. So it is with Rob. Friend seems such a small word to describe how wonderful it is to know him. *huggles and *s* kissles*
- naked frog with a mallet.... Wow what to say about Jason... He's Air Force.. sweet, fun and just abit crazy. Yeah he's my kind of people!! *KISS*
- Sassy Penguin Laughter is the best medicine and Sassy keeps me giggling. *hugs*
- Cinn@mon Sug@r *S* sweetheart of a girl!! Well worth getting to know!! *hugs*
- deadlyC......This is an old friend whose reaquaintance I am throughly enjoying. I'm glad I get the chance to meet him again. *HUGS* (told you I would be nice *G*)
- Orion Hunter, Guardian of the Terrace, Friendship, Advice, Conversation, Caring...A few of the adjectives that don't come anywhere near to describing this wonderful man. *HUG*
- Amila, A friend who has seen her fair share of ups and downs and still has a smile.. *HUGE HUGS*
- Saruman Wyse What is reality? I ask the question and he always seems to have an answer that defines reality for today. Philosopher, poet, a friend whose understanding and patience has meant more than I can express. To meet this man an be able to talk would be a dream come true.*HUG*
- B@bsey *HUGS*
- DanaElayne,My sister,fellow teacher, and dearest friend. I love you sweetie.. *HUG*
- FatSlim.....Hey LOVE.. He's a Regular Guy and known for his trademark!!! *HUGS* a computer junkie that knows way more than me and lets me pick his brain...
- Handsome Alvin, A sweetheart and friend
- Gorlim, A friend forever...*kiss*
- Karmyn *S* sweet is the only word that can describe her.
- Plasmodesmada,SullenGrl,DES!! *HUGS* I can't even begin to tell you what this girl means to me and so many others..
- poptop101, *HUGS*
- KrissG She's BACK!! *HUGE HUGS*
- U21Me, What can I say...A really great guy....
- Hardsilk.....a heart as soft as the finest silk and friendship that holds as hard as steel.....*hugs and kisses*
- neverlandbound, *S* an old time friend *HUGS*
- TeeMonster, My MAC friend...and Super Sleuth! Congratulations on the wonderful successes that are coming to a well deserving man. *S*
- CrazyS!utPuppy, She always is ready to listen and advise... *S*
- UNDRSEA,Though he is no longer in the Navy I will always think of this man as an Officer and a Gentleman ... *HUG*
- NoLuck347... What a cutie!! *G* *hugs*
- Herculees, Super Friend, Airports are GREAT!! *G*
- Emmers128, Love you Hon!! *HUGS*
- TLJ1869...Through all of the ups and downs we have survived. Surely Life can only get better.*hug*
- greenER.. *s* I wish a stop in St.Louis would have been possible. The future has great things in store for you.*hug*
- Melody Dreamer
- Mistress of Light
- Skieur, Love you hon...
- jellybean1010
- Demon Traveller
- American Night
- BoldAsLove
- T.Aikman, DADDY!! *HUGS*
- DeadAir Bear.. Poetry is in your soul..*S*
- gnaark
- S.Plath
- jivegirl1
- Dommathon *S*
- TD Shadow, *S* Early for me and late for you, yet meeting is a joy
- HabesATO, looking for answers,*HUGS* Don't give up!!
- belle
- Tarlya
- bobbyh2
- Arha
- Amila
- Biloxi Blue
- JV182, music rules.. *HUG*
- Tigress Prowling
- Iowe$
- jOk3r
- Otter Prime Many,many nights of late chat made me know that this man has depths that few see. He is talented, intelligent and a wonderful friend. Thomas, knowing you has brought me many hours of happiness. Thank you. *petting your fur and giving huge hugs*
- Leigh69 Mom and cat lover, friend always! *HUGS*
- Swiftfox74.... a sweetheart of a guy...*hug*
- Voodoo God, Love is the Answer and I wish you the best always. *HUGS*
- Joy and Happiness
- Loraine5, *S*
- AJ009, DITTO
- Euph0ri@, the entertainment is always the best with you *S*
- MagicTongue69, a friend... Best of luck always, my dear.. *HUG*
- Creative Spider......*ROFL* Still searching for his detachable penis *G* (Web nerd and Turd)
- Terrace Goddess....*s*
I know, I know!! Your name isn't here and it used to be!! So drop me an
and remind me.. New friends and old friends alike!!
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