Mensa Astronomy SIG Astro-links and somewhat related stuff
The most entertaining link I have found at this point is SpaceZone, which includes live internet feeds from NASA Select TV. It looks pretty awesome and it's very colorful!
The first list is from a friend of mine, Fred Helenius, who has his own site, but who will be moving very soon. Once he is safely established in his own location, this first section will be replaced by a link to his new permanent site. He's very interested in meteorite impacts, as you'll see from the links selection. The second, long, tersely-commented list is mine. SkyView is the best research resource (you need RA and dec), and STScI (Space Telescope public images) is a fast and excellent source of pretty pictures. //hlp
Fred's Astronomy Links
The first place to look: the sci.astro FAQ. Unfortunately,
sci.astro itself is clogged with crackpots.
Space exploration is a moderated newsgroup run out of JPL.
Graphics files of the Viking Landings
Space calendar
Galileo home page
Russian (FSU) Space Missions and Vehicles
Russian State Cosmonauts Training Centre
Space Digest archives
Commercial space info
Kennedy Space Center
NASA Home page
MIT Spacenews
Microcosm's low-cost rockets
The visible comets page is
another winner from JPL.
Hale-Bopp info (ESO)
Hale-Bopp info (JPL)
Hale-Bopp ephemeris
Shoemaker-Levy 9 info
I usually refer to the
SatPasses home
page for information about the brightest satellites.
OrbiTrak is also very good,
with information about many more satellites, but not quite as easy to
Satellite information (in the UK)
Satellite information (in Germany)
Mirwatch (Mir information)
Micro Orbiter 3.0 is a great (shuttle tracking) program
Shuttle elements
Amateur astronomy
(see also "Astronomy Organizations" below)
lots of great astronomy site links, astro club news, astro software, weather
The International Dark-Sky Association Web page
Sky Publishing
AstroNet on-line astronomy digest (see access directory)
ASTROMART, your free Internet astro classified marketplace
Other Mensa Astro-SIG astronomy links
another Mars Links list from Terra Spacedock
Maps of Mars for Armchair Astronauts Uses MapMaker to produce maps of any point on Mars, at your command.
The Planet Mars map and data from USGS as part of their Solar System Maps program.
Mars Pathfinder Mission Page: Get the latest!
Mars Missions Page (a mirror site at Pittsburg SuperComputing Ctr, faster than JPL)
Mars Pathfinder Site Pathfinder landed July 4, 1997
JPL: Mars Global Surveyor Mission Site Mars Global Surveyor will land on September 11, 1997
Pathfinder's Sojourner Rover page
Mars Exploration more info about past, present, and future Mars missions!
JPL Home Page also has information about missions to the other planets.
Links Previously Here...
Planet info
International Astronomical Union, Central Bureau of Astronomical Telegrams
Meteorites and Impacts Advisory Committee (MIAC) to the Canadian Space Agency
Astro Gallery
Sun and solar eclipse info
Other natural earth satellites
Another list of Astronomy Bookmarks
Search Engines
- AltaVista: Main
- HotBot
- InfoSeek
- Lycos
- WebCrawler
- Yahoo!
Astronomy and some Physics
Education Resources
- National Teachers Enhancement Network --
online teacher grad courses
- Project ASTRO The Alamagordo, NM link. Some useful intro-level K-16 topics
- Links to Astro and Physics courses on the
- //
- Planetary Materials Curation at NASA JSC
- Mars Meteorite Compendium - 1996
- show_astronomy titles at Brown publishing.
- // American Physical Society
- // Introductory Physics online at MIT
- // American Assoc of Physics Teachers
- // American Institute of Physics
- // The Exploratorium
- //
- @School: Classrooms: Science: Astronomy
- Algunos Servidores de Interes Astronomico
- AP
Physics Exam Page
- Astronomy & Astrophysics on the Web Huge site, watch out!
- Astronomy Notes
- Astronomy Site of the Day
- AstroWeb: Astronomy resources on the
Internet Another huge site, original in France
- AstroWeb: Astronomy/Astrophysics on the
Internet Alternative site at National Radio Astronomical Observatory
- Berlin Units
Discussion: Physics
- British physics
links page
- Browse Images: Astrophysics Large archives from NASA/JPL
- Cal State Fullerton Physics Links and
- Cambridge (UK) Astronomy Bookmarks (not well
sorted, but very interesting!)
- GA Tech
- Instituto de Astronomia, UNAM: grupo
`Estrellas de Neutrones' (Neutron Stars pages)
- Life on Mars?
- Mars Direct Home Page
(an interesting advocacy group related to Mars Underground)
- mars-life.html
- Naked-Eye Stargazing: Learning the Sky
- NSSDC Photo Gallery
- NSW extensive Physics Teaching Resource
- Online
Introductory Astronomy and Physical Science Text/Study Guides
- periodic table
- Personal Pages List AstroWeb If you want to look up a professional astronomer quickly: site is huge
- physics_services.html At McGill University (Canada)
- Planets' Rap Song It had to happen. At UMASS, it did.
- STScI/HST Pictures This is a well-organized site with great images, up-to-the-minute. Archival stuff is all also at the JPL site.
- The Nine Planets One of the most popular astronomy sites on the web.
- UW Sci-Ed Physics
Links page
- WDVL: WebStars Another webstars site.
- WebHints: Images: Public
- Sky Publishing (Sky and Telescope, among other things)
Astro Research Sources
- Download the AJP/TPT Database
- Center for EUV
Astrophysics -- Berkeley
- AAS bibliographical searches
- APS POSS I Catalog and
Database Access
- NED: NASA Extragalactic Database These people are amazing; small shop, big project
- SDSS Science Archive, Homepage
- The Astronomical Journal Home Page
- ZEBU: University of
Oregon Physics WEB Server
- The Shodor Education
- listcataAAS.html
- Eisenhower Program at UGA
- Astronomy FTP Servers
- Astronomy and Astrophysics at NSSDC
- abstract_service.html
- adc.html
- CDS.html
- Simbad.html
- Welcome to SkyView (the richest user-friendly
source of multi-wavelength data in web astronomy)
Astronomy Orgs - AAS, AAVSO, CBA, NASTeC, SARA, TOAD Watch
- American Astronomical Society A Pro-Am organization with the emphasis on professional astronomy research, holding two large meetings each year and a few smaller meetings in various specialties.
- American Association of Variable Star Observers A Pro-Am Organization the promotes research collaborations between amateur and professional astronomers observing variable stars.
- Center for Backyard Astrophysics COOL AND PRO-AM
- GNAT Meeting, Ft Collins, Colorado, 21 and 22
April 1996
- Role of Small Telescopes in Modern
- Planning, Scheduling, & Control for Scientific
- SARA 0.9-m Telescope at KPNO
- TOAD Watch International collaboration to observe Tremendous Amplitude Dwarf Novae
News (Times, NPR, etc) and Legal
Research Folder
- law.html
- THOMAS: Legislative
- Talk of the Nation & Science Friday
More Physics and Math Education
- Math Problem of the Week Contest (win a
Casio calculator)
- //
- telerobotics
- //¥80/Edu/Mat
- //
- Dna_To_Dinosaurs.html
- AMA Math Links (CalTech)
- Table of The Nuclides
Weather Info/Research
- TCP/IP Intro
- online guide to meteorology
- Hurricanes, Typhoons & Tropical Cyclones
- Tropical Cyclone Page
- Tropical Marine forecast - NWS
- Tropical Weather Discussion -- NWS (pressures,
- NHC's Directory of /pub/forecasts (anon
- WC's Tropical Atlantic Satellite Images
- Weather Channel's current Tropsat.gif
- Weather for Nassau, Bahamas
- Western Hemisphere Satellite Images
- CNN - Radar image for Southeast North
- CNN - Satellite image for Southeast North
- CNN - Weather
Gulf Stream Wave Heights etc
- Interactive Marine Observations:Florida
- NCEP OMB Regional Wind and Waves Model
Back to Main Mensa Astro SIG Page.
Email to Astro-SIG webster.