Make a positive contribution:
If everyone in the U.S. recycled even ONE TENTH of their newspapers, it would save 25 MILLION trees each year!
Each year we throw away 28 billion glass bottles and jars. That's enough to fill both towers of the World Trade Center every two weeks!
Americans throw away enough aluminum every three months to rebuild our entire commercial air fleet.
- Eat Less Meat
An acre of trees is spared each year for each individual who switches to a meatless diet.
Half the rainforests in Central America have already been destroyed to create pasture for beef cattle.
88% of all pesticide residues are found in meat and dairy products.
- Donate blood.
Approximately 40,000 pints of blood are used EACH DAY in the U.S. Every three seconds someone needs blood. Shortages of all blood types occur during the summer and winter holidays.
- Adopt a pet.
Each year, TEN MILLION unwanted cats and dogs are put to death in the U.S.
- Volunteer!
- Read Everything!
Reading leads to knowledge, which leads to informed opinions, which lead to action.
- Buy Organic!
While most methods of food production are now owned by huge conglomerates, organic growing works best on a small scale.
Thus many family farms turned to organics in an effort to keep their land. SUPPORT THE LITTLE GUY!
- Avoid household toxins.
- Become An Organ Donor!
Most people seem to think cows just naturally give milk- NOT TRUE! They have to be impregnated first, just like people. It's breast milk folks...FOR CALVES! Kept constantly pregnant in industrial conditions, the cow's life is shortened by 15 years! Their male offspring, considered a by-product, are taken to the torture chamber known as the veal industry.
- Take a walk.
- Inflate your tires!
There are more than half a billion tires in use in the US, 50-80% of them are under-inflated. Proper air pressure could save 2 BILLION gallons of gas PER YEAR!
- Use phosphate-free detergents.
More than half the phosphates in our lakes, rivers and streams come from detergents. Phosporous upsets the natural balance, and kills plant and marine life.
- Stop Junk Mail!
If one million Americans put a halt to their junk mail, it would save 1,500,000 trees each year. (Write to: Mail Preference Service, Direct Marketing Association, PO Box 9008, Farmingdale, NY 11735-9008)
- Plant a tree!
Trees remove carbon dioxide (the main "greenhouse gas") from the atmosphere. Planting a tree is an effective way to fight the greenhouse effect, and stop global warming.
- Support Religious Freedom!
- Join The Bone Marrow Donor Registry!
- Shop Cruelty Free!
26 million animals die every minute in the U.S. test new shampoos, hairsprays, laxatives and oven cleaners.
- BOYCOTT MITSUBISHI! (Reason #1) #2 #3 #4 #5
- Send E-Mail To Washington!
Support a cause, protest an injustice, or send your pet cryptic message..."The owls are not what they seem" "Beware of the dwarf" "You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant!"
- Donate Old Household Items
- Save The Rain forests
Don't Buy Tropical Hardwoods! (Mahogany, Rose-wood)
- Cut Up Six-Pack Rings
The loops can strangle gulls and tern, choke young seals and sea lions, and can get caught around the beaks of pelicans- the pelican then starves to death.
- Don't Over-Fill Your Gas Tank!
When you pull back the nozzle to top off the tank, gas vapors escape and create smog.
Over filled tanks drip fuel, which seeps into the earth and pollutes ground water.
- Use Re-chargeable Batteries.
Americans use 2 billion disposable batteries each year.
About 50% of the mercury and 25% of the cadmium used in the U.S. goes into batteries.
When taken to land fills, batteries corrode and break apart releasing mercury and cadmium into the atmosphere.
Mercury and cadmium are toxic heavy metals, considered hazardous waste.
- Make Your Yard Organic!
Homeowners use 10 times more toxic chemicals per acre than farmers!
Pesticides pollute the ground water, and kill song-birds- by contaminating the worms they eat.
- Support a Free Tibet!
- Don't Purchase Flea Collars
50 million flea collars are thrown away each year.
Chemicals in flea collars include: Piperonyl but-oxide (prolonged exposure causes liver damage)
Dichlorvos (can cause cancer, nerve damage and mutations in animals) and Carbaryl. (may cause birth defects)
- Consider An Electric Car!
Electric vehicles produce no emissions, which pollute the atmosphere;
Require no oil changes, produce no oil stains to run off and pollute watersheds;
Never need tune ups; and use no radiator coolant.
- Boycott Chinese Goods!
Barbie dolls, Legos, Reeboks, and other products made in China no longer seem like necessities when one considers that they're often produced by little children working in deplorable conditions, for slave wages. Buying Chinese products makes the consumer an accomplice to many of the most reprehensible human rights violations on the planet.
- Ride a bike!