Oh, you don't know Sherlock Holmes yet!

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Just where has
Ms. Stoner
      Test drive the
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A few requests from the Web Master....
  1. The graphics used for design and titles are under © 1997-2004, Shraddha Pai. But please DO NOT take them without prior permission of the author.
  2. Those that are not under copyright can be taken sans permssion. Again, DO NOT link to them directly from your page. Save them on your disk and then upload them to your directory. Linking to these pictures directly would only put more burden on the GeoCities server.
  3. 'To err is human'. If you find any of the given information questionable, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at spai@student.cs.uwaterloo.ca. I would be extremely grateful.
  4. Since you've entered this site, you are definitely a Sherlockian enthusiast. So, GO AHEAD AND ENJOY YOURSELF!

Web Master: Shraddha Pai

Featured Site of Athens