"Believe me, there are plenty of flaws in this face. And my body is starting to go. I feel like the
Terminator sometimes; every time I move, my body clicks.
"But the good thing about this whole obsession with looks is that it always fades. That's the justice
of looks; they fade.
When he gets up in the morning and looks in the mirror, Duchovny says, he sees the same flaws he
has seen his whole life. "I have so many flaws, but I won't tell you what they are because then
people will start looking for them.
No picture is just a collection of pixels once it has been viewed. Before anyone sees it, it is data. Colors, patterns, light and shade. No significance.
Once anyone has seen it, it starts to pick up associations. It stops being an image and becomes part of a web of associations, memories it is linked to, things it is like, things it isnt like.
When David looks in the mirror, he doesnt see the same person we are looking at.
He sees the guy that went to high school and said all those things that seemed really smart at the time. He sees the times he wished he was any place but there, the times he got turned down for a part, every time hes ever been dumped and why. Like all of us, when he sees himself he sees the whole journey that got him standing in front of that mirror that morning, not just some arrangement of features that is pleasing or not.
For all of us fans, our journey with him has been rather different. We see an hour a week we set aside to be with him, we see all the times Mulder looked hurt and we just wanted to hold him until he felt better. We see evenings spent downloading wavs of his voice, and listening to them over and over again. We see the guy who could make us walk on air for weeks just by speaking our name.
Flaws? A matter of personal taste really, and they are just part of the picture. We are fans of the experience.