Christmas - The TRUE Story

At this time of year, we are subjected to a propagandistic appeal designed to separate us from our money. The Yuletide holiday won't be complete, we are told, unless we buy this, give that, and max out our credit cards. And in fear of being called a Scrooge, many people do. But isn't it time to remember the true meaning of the holiday, the real reason for the season?

The Yule holiday began among the ancient Norse Pagans --- a religion which in modern times is called Asatru. It commemorates the Winter Solstice, the shortest day (and longest night) of the year. It was a time of solemn religious observations in honor of Sol, the sun Goddess. The God Thor was also honored. Thor was pictured as a bearded man, dressed in red, driving a chariot drawn by goats --- an image rather like the one we have of Santa Claus in his sleigh. [Leaving milk and cookies out for Santa Claus is like the custom of leaving a food offering for Thor and the other Pagan Gods.]

Many centuries ago, the Church decided that the Yule holiday would make a good time of year to celebrate a Mass in honor of the birth of Jesus, since his actual birth date was unknown. That's where the name Christmas comes from --- Christ's Mass. Although this innovation was a departure from the true ancient reason for the Yule holiday, it still kept to the spirit of the day as a solemn religious holiday.

The reason for the Yule season gives us no excuse for running up debts, stressing ourselves out, or driving drunk. It's a time of spiritual reflection --- and since spiritual reflection hasn't yet been commercialized, we can indulge in it all we want this holiday without ending up in bankruptcy court.

Nissa Annakindt

Daggett, MI

[As printed in the Menominee/Marinette EagleHerald, Dec. 15, 1997]

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