It's a fact. Ever since the Supreme Court has removed prayer from our schools, bad things have happened in America. And some people believe that this is no coincidence. Of course, lots of good things have also happened since the Supreme Court has removed prayer from the schools--- like a great reduction in discrimination based on religion--- and some people believe that is no coincidence.
But the fact remains that restoring public prayer to the schools has been proposed as a quick fix for everything that has gone wrong. And it is growing likely that pressure is going to be brought to bear to try this solution out. But how do we restore prayer to the schools without restoring religious bigotry?
The only solution is to start out the school prayer program, not with a big-guns majority religion's prayer, but with a minority religion's prayer. I propose starting with the religion of Asatru. Let's begin now! On the next school day, let every classroom begin their day with this Asatru prayer:
Hail Day, hail Day's sons,
Hail Night and daughter of Night!
Gaze on us gently and grant us who pray to you victory.
Hail to the Gods, hail to the Goddesses,
Hail to you, all-giving Earth!
Words and wisdom grant us, and healing hands in this life.
This will set the precedent that school prayer is not to be used to promote bullying and bigotry. Continuing to use this prayer in the schools will send the message that it is morally right to be fair to every religious group, not just the big and powerful ones.
Some people like to think that there is nothing wrong with having only 'born-again' Christian public prayer in the schoolroom. If anyone is offended by it, these people reason, they can just leave the room. Such people, it is obvious, have never been schoolteachers. In the real world, you cannot have a bunch of unsupervised kids roaming the school corridors during the prayer-time. You would have to hire some spare teacher's aides to supervise these kids. Also, what if the teachers are not members of 'born-again' fundamentalist groups? If they leave the classroom during the prayer, they will be leaving the kids unsupervised. But most importantly, think of what school prayer would mean to the children. Imagine you are a shy little five-year-old child, looking forward to your first day of school. But unfortunately, you are not a fundamentalist five-year-old child. So the very first experience you will have in school is having to leave your classroom, with all the other kids staring at you. And the other kids will start wondering about you. You must be some sort of weirdo, some cult freak, right? Remember what happened back in the days of school prayer? Most kids considered it OK to make fun of atheists, Jews, Catholics--- any kids who were different from the majority. Is returning to an age of bigotry really going to make society a more peaceful place? Not very likely!
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