Behania Haus during preliminary renovations
Local Mission
Bethania Moravian church is involved activley in
many Local Mission projects. Some that we regularly participate in
The Samaritan Inn (local homeless shelter)
The Crop Walk
Meals on Wheels
King Outreach Ministries
Sunnyside Ministries (provides food & clothoing for those in need)
Crisis Control Ministries
Human Services Alliance
Sheperding Center (helping youth and young adults to better themselves)
Smart Start (preparing pre-school children for kindergarten)
Food Bank
American Red Cross
Hospital Volunteer work
Girl / Boy Scouts
World Mission Shop
Prayer Watch
Prison Ministry
Quilting (1996: made and donated 38 quilts to local ministries)
Salemtowne (retirement community)
Candle Tea (demonstrates Moravian heritage
to community)
Senior Friends Candlemaking
Laurel Ridge Moravian Church Camp
The Bethania Haus
The Bethania Haus is a ministry of Bethania Moravian Church
that provides a temporary residence for patients and their families at
Forsyth Memorial Hospital. The Bethania Haus is located across from
the church at 5550 Main St. Bethania, NC, approximately 9.5 miles from
the hospital.
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