Conversations With Jack & Diane

                              Loving Respite

	“Hey Jack,” Diane smiled softly.  “Just thought I’d stop by
and see if you were around.”
	“Well here I am,” Jack waved.  “Sitting on my back porch
staring out at the ocean.  My favorite place on earth.”
	“I thought your favorite place was between Jan’s legs?”
	“Hahaha,” Jack chuckled lazily.  “You're in one of
those moods today huh?  Grab yourself a beer and sit down.”
	“Got any canned fruit juice?” she asked, leaning over to
open the cooler.
	“Sure,” Jack nodded.  “Somewhere near the bottom.”
	“Story of my life,” Diane mumbled.
	“What’s that?” Jack echoed.
	“My life Jack.  It’s somewhere near the bottom.”
	“Bottom of what?” he pushed.
	“The bottom rung of the ladder silly.”
	“Don’t tell me you’re feeling put-upon again love?”
	“Yes,”Diane nodded, snapping open the cold can of orange
	“Don’t you ever have a good day?” he asked, sucking on
the bottle of beer he handled with such gifted skill.
	“Only when I’m with you love,” she cooed.
	“How kind,” he smiled.  “Come and sit next to me
sweetheart.”  He patted the soft cushion next to him on the bench.
	Diane sat gracefully.  Jack liked the way she smelled and
he stared at her as she settled in.
	“What?” she asked shyly, daintily sipping on the frosty can
of juice, gazing down at the wooden porchtop.
	“I just love looking at you,” he replied.
	“Do you really?” she smiled.
	“Yes, I do.”
	“Why?” she cajoled.  “Please tell me why?”
	“Tell you why I enjoy looking at you?” he verified.
	“You certainly ask the strangest questions,” he assured her.
	“It’s not a strange question.  I’d just like to know why you
like looking at me.”  She shrugged and sipped more juice.
	“Okay, I’ll tell you.  But I need to think about it for a
	“Gee thanks,” Diane snapped with a chuckle.  “You sure
know how to make a girl feel good...”
	“Oh shut the hell up,” Jack joked.  “Be quiet for a moment
while I think up something good.”
	“I want the truth Jack.”  She held his glare.  “I need the
truth.  Especially today.  I just need a lift you know.  But I’ll know
if your lying to me, and then I’ll feel even worse.”
	“Geez woman,” he protested.  “Before you showed-up I
was having a stress free day.  Now your well-being depends on
what I say next.”  He sat up and looked back toward the screen
door, his hands patting the outside of his pockets.  “Where are
those damned high blood pressure pills when you need em?”
	“Oh stop it Jack,” Diane giggled.  “You don’t have to tell
me if you don’t want to.”
	“Oh but I do want to Diane,” he grinned, settling back on
the bench.  He put his arm around his friend’s shoulders and
cuddled her close.
	“Okay sweetie, I’ll tell you why I enjoy seeing you.  And I
do mean seeing.  Which is different from looking.”  He sipped his
beer than sat it down on the side table.  “And the good thing about
seeing you,” he continued.  “Is that you don’t even have to be
nearby for me to do it.  Your face is a part of me Diane.  Your
presence linked to my soul as leaves are linked to a tree.  As
clouds are linked with the sky.”  He used his fingers to gently raise
her delicate face toward his, their eyes meeting.  “The soft of your
cheek bathes me with a warm pleasure that I can feel deep in my
chest.  Your smile lightens my burden as the memory of your
sweet voice tenderly carresses my most intimate thoughts.  And
when, by the grace of fate, I can actually look upon your beauty, as
I am now, the very breath of my existence is refreshed by the
goodness of your presence.”
	Jack leaned forward and kissed Diane on the smooth of her
forehead, his lips lingering as the warmth of her body eased his
own troubled soul.
	“Thank you my love,” he whispered.
	“For what?” Diane asked softly.
	“For your friendship...” he answered, hugging her close,
feeling her meld into him.
	All of her tensions were forgotten.  All of her burdens
buried.  His friendship the only thing that mattered to her for the
	A respite from the chaos of her life...

                                    The End

Unpublished Works © 1997 GJB

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