Big Corn Oar longer will the previously preordered copies of new billy starfire/orbit boys album
"crazy monkey" spare life of helpless real monkeys
- - again i ask you what is it this corn - corn the other time is what she said also
i say to you that the day is fast approaching when corn monkeys
will break free from government experimental corn facilities to stalk the streets of our free country
never again will the miniaturized giant corn plague the homes of our fair land -
but WORSE! - dreaded big corn will be substituted for the old fashioned miniaturized giant corn -
big corn from space will destroy the capitalist designer jeanes of
all of its hapless victims - all ye beware the wickedness of the big corn -
hold fast to the truth of the BIG CORN OAR - please please listen
to the words of the big corn oar - its ways will remain secret no