"The Truth is the one thing that nobody will believe."
- - - - George Bernard Shaw ( 1856 - 1950)
Special UPDATE May 27th:
Please read this !!!
Densities of Consciousness : added June 16th
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Fear, guilt and anger are sure signs of not seeing reality...
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The pain that you feel is the love that you withhold.
to the Flow of unconditional Love.
The Energy body of the
Stellar Calling
Some new
Elegant Wisdoms from the Emerald Tablet...
Ultimate Healing Power
A Ch'an Neo-Buddhist Conundrum
A compassionately fresh perspective on the
New Age ...
: Herbivore or Fruivore? Or what?
The upcoming 'Pole Shift' and the geodetic energy patterns of the Earth...
Polar paradigm shift to occur at end of Holocene Era........
Hyperzoic Epoch to commence on or about the Winter Solstice( Dec.22nd),
2012 C.E.(A.D.).....
The New World Order plans :
New North Pole axis to centre at Makkah( Mecca), Saudi Arabia......
New South Pole axis to centre at Mururoa Atoll, French Polynesia....
Think about it !
When the shift hits the fan: Coordinates 1
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Since September 16, 1997
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