Triple Nine Society (Virtual Branch)

TNS logo. Three nines, or a hurricane? ;-)

click logo for animated logo cube that follows your cursor...

This is the official website for the Triple Nine Society, a high-IQ group open to anyone scoring at or above the 99.9th percentile on specified (standardized) tests of general intelligence. This site was last modified 25 October 2000. The Message Board is moderated -- about 1x/week.


Political Survey of the

Super-IQ Group Favors Less Government

Read the results of this recent study

The text-art box and the TNS Survey site were designed and provided courtesy member Jon Miles.

Member Samizdata: write your own short-short story online; Other member pubs Qualifying for Membership: Accepted Test Scores
Membership Details and Contact Information TNS site-related email: Helpful Comments Welcomed
TNS Official Correspondence Archive ExCom Memos, Officer reports, etc., as submitted (note that this is old and TNS-only correspondence)Triple Nine Society Message Board - moderated
TNS Constitution (as published in 9/98 Vidya)(New) Latest Vidya online (members only; non-members, see samples below)

Triple Nine Society

The Triple Nine Society is committed to friendship and communication, the adventure of intellectual exploration, and a greater realization of individual potentials. It neither sanctions the imposition of one person's philosophy on another nor subscribes to any particular philosophy for its members.

The guiding principle of The Triple Nine Society is democratic and collegial rather than hierarchical. All members have equal rights to vote, hold office, and participate in the affairs of the Society. We remain open to innovation and evolution.

The members of our Society come from a broad spectrum of employment (including unemployment and retirement) and varied educational backgrounds, representing more than twenty countries. The only known common thread is that they have tested at or above the 99.9th percentile on at least one of several standard intelligence tests. Beyond that there are no restrictions to membership.

Our journal, Vidya (click for sample covers, or use samizdata table below for sample journals), serves as a medium for communicating ideas and soliciting them. It presents a variety of articles designed to inform, amuse, and stir responses from members. You can email the Vidya Editor if you like. Non-members are welcome to subscribe, and correspondence among members is encouraged. Opportunities for social contact include the annual meeting and local meetings in some areas.


Samizdata: Articles by and for TNS Members

Opinions expressed by our members are not the opinions of the Triple Nine Society as a whole, and in some cases they are not even consistently the opinions of the authors. We like to try on opinions to see how they wear. Attempts will be made to verify the wilder claims in articles presented as fact, but remember, folks, you're on the web -- don't be too credulous (for a brief history of the Universe, click on AE).

obligatory Einstein

Inevitabilities: Observations About Life by John Cooper Excerpts from a recent issue of Vidya, the newsletter of TNS (more coming, but see Sample Issue below)
Dust Devils: Short Stories in 75 Words by Steve Seifert. Compose your own online... A Critique of the Concept of Free Will
There was going to be a "nukes" essay here. The author scarpered. Instead, Take a virtual tour of an abandoned missile silo :-) Living Intentionally: Intentional Communities and other philosophical alternatives
Hot News in Cool Stars (report on the search for extrasolar planets, July 1997)Official TNS Correspondence Site: This is a compilation of official TNS business, mostly email, some transcribed hardcopy...members only
Triple Nine Society Message Board - moderated.A Sample of Vidya (Sept 1998)

Upcoming Events

An Annual Gathering took place in Berkeley Oct1999. Another is planned for the midwest in 2000, see Vidya and this site (later in the year) for details. There are regular Tuesday night chats, as described below, and there's an active email discussion list (

The TNS Chat Room has been disbanded in favor of the email list and the IRC chats -- to set up an appointment to chat with other members on the IRC site on a non-Tuesday night, try sending email to Darryl Miyaguchi's Web Chat Page also lists a few different kinds of chats he's set up for HIQ discussion, including realtime net-phone. Kevin Langdon also sponsors a TNS-related mIRC channel (#triplenine on DALNet), but it is not an official TNS activity, so don't get upset with us about anything that goes on in there -- that's Kevin's turf. The mIRC S/W offers more sophisticated chat functions (private chat capabilities, actions, punctuation, etc.) than did the old HTML Chat Room. Click here to download mIRC, which is free (on a trial basis -- shareware). Note: Ad-allergics beware -- the message board is a free sponsored site.

Other High-IQ Web Resources

Other High-IQ Societies on the web. HIQ Tests on the Web
Formerly -- The (original) Brain Board Continued is Bill McGaugh's continued online unmoderated message board about intelligence and related topics National Association for Gifted Children - the site's relatively new, the association isn't.
Gifted Issues and Gifted Children - a HUGE repository of information and links, but somewhat dated (they try, but the web blooms daily). Psychometrics -- have any links you'd like to see?
Marilyn is Wrong website: for the non-fans of Vos Savant (suggested by a member) A Pretty Good description of a Tesseract (by way of trivia, or maybe quadrivia...)
Darryl Miyaguchi's excellent HIQ siteAnother Brainboard
Bill McGaugh's EloIQ Proposal The Self-Referential Aptitude Test from someone who's tired of IQ tests... see final analogy question!

The following is an approved list of tests currently used (last updated July, 1998) for qualifying new members:

American College Testing Program (ACT) 32
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT, prior to April, 1995), combined verbal and quantitative 1450
Scholastic Aptitude Test I (SAT I,after April, 1995), combined verbal and math 1520
Graduate Record Exam (GRE), combined verbal and quantitative 1460
Graduate Record Exam (GRE), analytical 760
Miller Analogies Test (MAT) 85 raw
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale149
Wechsler Intelligence Scales (any form)146
Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices, Set II 31 raw
Cattell Intelligence Test Scale IIIB 173 (old norming)
Mensa Admissions Tests IQ 149
Cattell Culture Fair, Scale III (Form A and B) 149
Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) 149 SAI
Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) 149


How to Join

Send a photocopy of your test score report to the Membership Officer for evaluation (address below). Only one qualifying score is needed for membership. The Membership Officer's determination is based on your score and the validity of the documentation.

Yearly dues for members or nonmembers are $25 ($30 for memberships requiring overseas mailing of Vidya from the US), which includes the Society's journal, Vidya. You will begin receiving the journal within two months following the submission of your dues payment.

For further information, please write (include a self-addressed stamped envelope or international reply coupon for overseas mail) or send email to

Dan McElwain, TNS Membership Officer
2909 Beau Lane
Fairfax, VA 22031-1324

Regarding Tests not included in the above list, contact the TNS Psychometrician:

TNS Psychometrician
c/o PO Box 64170
Colorado Springs, CO 80963-4170 USA

Regarding Renewals, please send renewal dues only to:

TNS Financial Officer
PO Box 600800
Jacksonville, FL 32260-0800 USA

For information/comments about the website, send email to TNS webmaster

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