The B.O.R.B.!

                                             The Bill of Rights Bomb!

                                                    Not a real Bomb.

                                     Resistance is Futile!
Or How to Destroy Most of the Federal Government in
                               Ten Easy Steps!

                                            A.K.A. the Bill of Rights
                                    (accept no substitutes)

We can construct a device which will irrevocably destroy at least ninety percent of the Federal Government, as well as taking out significant percentages of both state and local governments. 

What is the B.O.R.B.!?

The B.O.R.B.! is a meme bomb built around the ideas and concepts of the
Bill of Rights. The acronym stands for Bill of Rights Bomb. What is a
meme bomb? A meme bomb is  "an idea whose time has come with a vengeance" some examples of greater and lesser meme bombs would be things like; "OK", Monica Lewinski, Joe Camel, the Budweiser Frogs, and so on. When the B.O.R.B.
detonates every minion, every action, and every inaction of the Federal,
State and Local governments in this country will be judged against the
ideas of the Bill of Rights.

Remember Resistance is Futile!
The idea is that before the Bill of Rights can be enforced, before the Bill of Rights can return to its proper role as the supreme law of the land, it has to be known, it has to have been read, or if not read than heard, by everyone.
Who are the B.O.R.B.!?

We are the B.O.R.B.! Or more specifically we are the carriers of the
memetic material of which the B.O.R.B. is composed. Who should be "of
the B.O.R.B."? Everyone should be "of the B.O.R.B.", every cognizant,
sentient individual could be, should be "of the B.O.R.B." Of course
everyone will not be "of the B.O.R.B." but everyone doesn't have to be.,
the B.O.R.B. will detonate when it reaches a critical mass, just what that
critical mass of thinkers who have become "of the B.O.R.B." is, is of
course unknown, maybe ten percent of the population, maybe less
maybe more.

How do we build and detonate the B.O.R.B.!

After a certain point the B.O.R.B. will become self assembling and self
detonating the job of those of us who are "of the B.O.R.B." is that of
initiators. Once enough folks become "of the B.O.R.B." resistance IS
futile. How do you eat Leviathan? One bite at a time.

Before the B.O.R.B. can even begin to assemble itself much less
detonate, the memetic material of the Bill of Rights must begin to invade
the consciousness of a large number of people, this is where we who
are already "of the B.O.R.B." do our thing.

But how do we do this in a society that is increasingly illiterate and
apathetic? Hey the Bill of Rights is already broken up into ten sound bytes, and
each of those is very readily further broken into even smaller bytes. All
that is left to do is presentation and presenting.

First and most easiest if you have a web site is to link to this site, become "of the B.O.R.B.!", tag  your e-mail with "join the B.O.R.B.! Resistance is Futile", or just "of the B.O.R.B.!". As in "I am Sebastian of the B.O.R.B.!"

MORE B.O.R.B.! Coming Soon!

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