Building the Inner Cathedral

The Connection between Body,

Mind, and Spirit

Human beings are created by a triune God. This God exists as Father [or Creator], Son [or Redeemer], and Holy Spirit [or Sustainer]. In a truly spiritual sense, we humans are indeed created in the image of God, our ultimate parent. Our "trinity" consists of the Body, the Mind, and the Spirit. This trinity exists as a sacred wholeness within the person.

The Body, houses the Mind and the Spirit. The Body of Humans is a living organism. It is made up of organs, tissues, nerves, lymph-nodes, blood-vessels, etc. Spiritually the Body is referred to as "the FLESH." Here resides all that is of this world. All that is attracted to things that oppose the will of God can be summed up in the phrase, "the FLESH."

The Mind, is that Metaphysical Reality that Dr. Carl Jung defined so well for us. There is first, the Conscious Mind -- which contains those things of which we are aware. Then there is the Sub-Conscious Mind, which consists of all the memories [good and bad], from birth until the present, that have gone into the shaping of who we now are. These "thoughts" are protected by a partially closed door and are allowed access to the Conscious Mind with only limited restrictions. Finally there is the UnConscious Mind. This is the dark cellar, or dungeon, of our Mind. Here resides all the collective memories of humanity from time immemorial. Safeguards have been placed at the doors of each of these chambers. However, the residents of our Mind will either haunt us or will reveal to us the blueprints for our Interior Cathedral.

The Spirit, is that component of who we are that shapes us and determines the directions we take on our spiritual journeys. The Spirit of a person consists of two major components: 1.) the indominable Will, and 2.) the Soul. First, the indominable Will is that force within each of us that allows us to overcome all kinds of obstacles. It is that "spirit" that causes a fighter to know that it matters not how many times you get knocked down, only how many times you get back up. It is that spirit that causes one to fight for life,and not give up their "will to live." Second, there is the Soul. This has been mapped in the Right Brain and is responsive to spiritual influence. Certainly all cultures, in all times, and in all forms of civilizations have one universal commonality -- they are RELIGIOUS. Their "soul" quests for a relationship with their Maker, and anthropology proves that above all else humans, unlike any other creature, strive for the fulfillment of the construction of their own personal "Interior Cathedral."

The Interior Cathedral, and its construction, is what this spiritual community is about. If you take seriously the Judeo-Christian ethic, founded upon the Ten Commandments, you soon notice that the first four Commandments deal with humanity's relation to the Creator-God. The second six Commandments deal with humanity's relation to humanity. The Interior Cathedral is constructed, stone by stone, by the personal accomplishments in developing good life-habits in each of these two areas. Jesus Christ, in his famous "Beatitudes," deals with how to achieve success, without being religious, in each of these two areas. Lao-Tsu and the Buddha, 500 years before Christ, talked about "the Way." This "Way" was the way to true "Inner Peace" [i.e., the plans for the Interior Cathdral].

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