A n a g r a m s
Anagram is a word, sentence formed of the same letters of
another word, sentence.
- Slot machines - Cash lost in 'em
- Eleven plus two - Twelve plus one
- Dormitory - Dirty room
- Snooze alarms - Alas no more Z's
- The Morse Code - Here come dots
- The earth quakes - That queer shake
- A decimal point - I'm a dot in place
- Fir cones - Conifers
- Conversation - Voices rant on
- The public art galleries - Large picture halls, I bet
- The eyes - They see
Anagram sentences
- A stitch in time saves nine. Is this
meant as incentive?
- Monica Lewinsky - Nice silky woman!
- A shop lifter, has to pilfer
- Gosh, see that triangle? Its got
three angles
- Circumstantial evidence can ruin a
selected victim
- Simply impossible
- Seriously funny
- Only choice
- Paid volunteers
- Original copy
- Almost exactly
- Found missing