Voices of Madness

Thank You

xenopicus - 06/28/00 13:20:41
My URL:http://geocities.com/politicalfish
My Email:picusxeno@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Paul (The Apostle)
Favorite Book: The Tin Drum/Dune/how can one list them all? It's blasphemy!
Favorite Movie: The Shawshank Redemption/The Matrix/Kings Row
Occupation: freak
Interests: painting, writing, watching grass grow and eating yellow snow
Obsessions: giving birth to originality, creating beauting and infecting others, observing madness

"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines." Unknown...just in case you need some more freako inspiration, um, in other words I admire your site and your mental capacity. Your intelligence and view of life gives me hope for the world (but not too much hope, if that happened it would most likely implode) heck of a job, expect a little something extra in next weeks pay ;) see ya one the flip and always look both ways.

Maurice Peyton - 05/10/00 02:39:14
My Email:www.davinity78@aol.com
Favorite Author: Arastotle
Favorite Book: The teaching of Arastotle
Favorite Movie: Dont watch to much
Occupation: custermer service
Interests: thinking
Obsessions: thinking to much

I am very exstatic to find one with thoughts that I too have shared; but thought long ago. For I think about every little detail, point, nothingness, absalutness, possativitily, the abjunktion of the addolesnt moral rounded non-thinkers. Yes these things ring me to discus to think I to am human.(set fre with in the great devine to bring thought and peace to mind sothing the real madness from with in. (Madness)- One who looks upon reality as Diffrent not of the other fantisies brought forth to keep the nor - norm. To be norm is to be like some one else this are we not all diffrent with views and judgments set by are own standers. To this I must conclued Merry Part my friend and my the greatess of devines gide and protect you .

Dallas Stradling - 04/01/00 00:02:59
My Email:d_stradling@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Nietzsche and Kerouac
Favorite Book: Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Favorite Movie: Platoon
Occupation: student, future film major
Interests: everything
Obsessions: everything, poetry, philosophy, physics, history, psychology,music, oh and snowboarding

Genuine-that is what I call him who goes into godforsaken deserts and has broken his venerating heart..... Hungered, violent, solitary, godless: that is how the lionwill wants to be. Nietzsche

Snorri Ţór Tryggvason - 10/22/99 16:22:32
My Email:stht@hs.is
Favorite Author: Dostojevski
Favorite Book: Crime and Punishment
Favorite Movie: way too many
Occupation: Student
Interests: Philosophy
Obsessions: Photography


xiolablue - 07/24/99 23:24:26
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~invidiosa
My Email:invidiosa@earthlink.net
Favorite Author: camus, i think
Favorite Book: the stranger, lost souls, etc
Favorite Movie: heathers, city of lost children, santa sangre
Occupation: student...blah
Interests: musick, writing, art, philosophy, existentialism.
Obsessions: musick, writing, beauty, green, paradox...

i really like some of the things youve said. somethings i really agree with, but i have to constantly remind myself that these things are true, or that they are indeed the best for me. ok, so maybe that doesnt make sense. all i would have to say is tha you need to hear some better musick..no offense. like joy division, and janes addiction, and bauhaus. korn is just..dont get me started. i like your site though..even though its different than what i usually would like...ive babbled long enough. lov liness.

Kate - 07/04/99 12:48:26
My Email:suffakate@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Douglas Adams
Favorite Book: All his stuff (see above)
Favorite Movie: The usual suspects
Occupation: Student
Interests: traveling, dansing Salsa, painting, water-skiing, 4x4 driving, surfing, playing trombone
Obsessions: see above, and people who chew gum with theirr mouths open. I hate that!!and I HATE CHAIN MAIL!!!!

Good luck..... ya know... with everything every know and then a moment comes into your life when you got your shit together. I just had one briefly. (because you got my email, doesn't give anyone permission to sent me chain mail in any shape or form.)...see obsessions

nate again - 04/20/99 09:03:08
My URL:http://www.artofeurope.com
My Email:nate@artofeurope.com

popetry is god seems on second thought too catholic... shall we say poetry is good?

Nate - 04/20/99 09:01:19
My URL:http://www.artofeurope.com
My Email:nate@artofeurope.com
Favorite Author: Louis Zukofsky
Favorite Book: Company, by Samuel Beckett
Favorite Movie: Fallen Angels, by Wong Kar Wai

weird... i'm 19 and in Missouri and know i got a GED somewhere... popetry was god...makes me run Shellac's "Rambler Song" through my head... Isn't Ayn Rand just Nietzsche but PC and feminist and rather evidently and ineptly writing in a second language? h ven't looked at all the site will be back whe are you 20?

Duckling - 02/18/99 11:16:31
My URL:/Athens/Delphi/1573/
My Email:poetryghost@geocities.com
Favorite Author: Anne McCaffrey
Favorite Book: JMansfield Park, Jane Austen
Favorite Movie: The Truman Show
Occupation: student - but not for much longer
Interests: Reading sci fi, fantasy, poetry, music
Obsessions: life

Hi, finally repaid the visit to my web page. Love your poetry, very... esoteric? Sounds like some of the stuff I've written on the edge of tiredness and sleep...v.cool.

Bryan Loss - 11/02/98 18:34:10
My Email:hygu@yahoo.com
Favorite Author: Myself
Favorite Book: autobiography of Bryan Loss
Favorite Movie: The Life Story of Bryan Loss
Occupation: Cook
Interests: Music, Girls, Money
Obsessions: Music, Sex, and Money

What's up David I know that you miss me. Well, this is pretty nice. I would like for you to do me a page. Get in touch. Bryan

Ravensteel - 09/16/98 06:57:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/6449/
My Email:ravensteel@geocities.com
Favorite Author: Sonja Torres
Favorite Book: Player's Handbook
Favorite Movie: "Dark City" or "Disturbing Behaviour"
Occupation: student
Interests: observation of life, puzzles
Obsessions: illusions, games, reality

very wonderful site! I think my favorite poem was "Red." so simple and cryptic, yet sweetly effective and obvious!
I must strongly disagree with Soren Kierkegaard (spelling?) though. solitude is not merely the punishment of crimi als. it can also be the punishment of heroes or the self-affliction of many sorts, such as shy, humble, moral, etc. it may even be a decision and question of wisdom and experience.
many of those quotes offer ample opportunity for good discussion, but that was the one that struck my soul the strongest.
Admire your own virtues. It is sometimes the only true recognition you will receive. - Laughing Wolf

Escape the reality of illusion.

Brent Dean Robbins - 09/07/98 01:22:19
My URL:/Athens/Troy/2967/
My Email:bdeanrob@sgi.net
Favorite Author: Dostoyevsky
Favorite Book: The Brothers Karamazov
Favorite Movie: Citizen Kane
Occupation: Psychotherapist-in-training and assistant professor
Interests: philosophy, psychology, literature, music, film, art
Obsessions: WWW, reading

Hello, great page you've got going here. I am a big fan of the psychotic Dr. Schreber -- true genius and madness in one man if there ever was. So, nice to see a site dedicated to the liberatory nature of madness. The is, of course, a horror to madness as ell. You have to be willing to enter the world of the foul and fecal. I tend to think one can pass through sheer madness to be a poetic visionary -- step down from Cader Idris to rejoin community, and give back what one has discovered in the under/overwor d. You either go mad and die or you return to the fold with a message. I think that's an important distinction. Madness is something I wouldn't wish on anybody, you know :) Peace, Brent

Gemini II - 08/28/98 06:18:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/4534
My Email:gemini0681@aol.com
Favorite Author: Leon Uris
Favorite Book: Trinity
Favorite Movie: Undecided, but it must be an intelligent suspense/drama/historical.
Occupation: Entrepreneur (Professional website designer)
Interests: Internet, psychology, philosophy, the outdoors, society, myself (because I have a lot of exploring to do)
Obsessions: A wonderful 17 year old that goes to my high school...

Cideon, you have a great website here. Mine WOULD be much similar but every time I try to write a little something about myself, I get writers block and I give myself excuses not to do it. But I love my page because it is a great example of the First Amen ment. We are very much alike. Our interests are 90% similar (politics, psychology, finance, philosophy, etc...) Don't be a stranger to my site! I've bookmarked yours.

- 08/22/98 07:39:43

duh. I left off the end of my web address. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/3435

Cynthia - 08/22/98 07:38:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy
My Email:elijahblue@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Milan Kundera
Favorite Book: favorite by Milan is The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
Favorite Movie: The Shining, Heathers, Edward Scissorhands, The Crying Game, The Piano, As Good As It Gets...
Occupation: editorial assistant/college student
Interests: music, literature, film, philosophy, psychology, photography, feminism, nature and animals (especially fond of parrots)
Obsessions: right now, building my web page, playing on Survey Central, and a particular special guy...

After checking out some of your sections, I was very surprised to find out, in the personal section, that you're 19. I got here by following a link you posted on one of the high IQ boards. I think Nietszche is awesome too (can't say I feel the same about Ayn Rand, sorry).

Cynthia - 08/22/98 07:38:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy
My Email:elijahblue@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Milan Kundera
Favorite Book: favorite by Milan is The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
Favorite Movie: The Shining, Heathers, Edward Scissorhands, The Crying Game, The Piano, As Good As It Gets...
Occupation: editorial assistant/college student
Interests: music, literature, film, philosophy, psychology, photography, feminism, nature and animals (especially fond of parrots)
Obsessions: right now, building my web page, playing on Survey Central, and a particular special guy...

After checking out some of your sections, I was very surprised to find out, in the personal section, that you're 19. I got here by following a link you posted on one of the high IQ boards. I think Nietszche is awesome too (can't say I feel the same about Ayn Rand, sorry).

Robynne - 08/17/98 04:17:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/delphi/9029
My Email:Lunashadow@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Stephen King/Shakespeare
Favorite Book: Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Favorite Movie: The Color Purple or any Monty Python movie
Occupation: shipping/accounts payable customer service rep
Interests: theatre, music, video games, politics, biking, swimming, writing, editing
Obsessions: singing, acting, writing

found your signature in my guestbook and thought i would pay a visit:)

cosmicangelĄ - 08/15/98 17:38:04
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~cosmicangel1/index.html
My Email:cosmicangel1@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Herman Wouk
Favorite Book: War and Remembrance
Favorite Movie: Somewhere In Time
Occupation: health care manager
Interests: music, books, the dang WWW, fitness, Indy Racing.....etc.etc.etc.etc.
Obsessions: red licorice

Thanks for visiting my site and for your comments. I'll take note of them.... Spending time now perusing your site to see all there is to see there. thanks again.....cosmicangelĄ

Night Shade - 07/03/98 03:33:31
My Email:mindmerge@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: JD Salinger
Favorite Book: Catcher in the Rye
Favorite Movie: Cemetary Man
Occupation: Student
Interests: music, poetry, tommorrow
Obsessions: ???????????????????

I like your site the philosophyu seems very intriguing. I would find out more but as it sems information requires membership. As it is I subscribe to no religion, rather I seek out words of wisdom, disciplines, and aspects from many teachings. I choose to be eclectic inmy aproach and develop a custom fit ever changing "book" to ispire me through the days. This is however a very interesting site I will return many a time. by by for now, Night Shade

Suann Wine - 04/27/98 22:07:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak/suannsteve
My Email:Bingoqueen25@webtv.net
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Favorite Book: all of his works
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Occupation: life
Interests: many
Obsessions: a few

really liked your page..I am a poet also really liked your poems

Steve - 04/20/98 20:03:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mn/bloodispretty
My Email:Soren_k_@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Sarte
Favorite Book: - A play NO Exit.
Occupation: unemployed.
Interests: Much the same as yours; philosphy, phychology, poetry...
Obsessions: Life

Read all your poems, they're great! I especially enjoyed Approaching The Limit. Man, that poem Described exactly how I feel! It's been a strange day... I also liked Convalescent... Anyway, now, thanks to you, I have an overwhelming urge to write! see ya. .

Mark Sexton - 04/06/98 09:58:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/7875
My Email:M.R.Sexton@exeter.ac.uk
Favorite Author: Graham Greene
Favorite Book: Les Liasons Dangerous
Favorite Movie: Nikita
Occupation: Student
Interests: writing
Obsessions: reading

Liked the poems, preferred the short story (It'd be great if you finished it...)

Lee Rozelle - 03/26/98 00:14:47
My Email:hrozelle@ocean.st.usm.edu

please announce, circulate, post DOGGEREL magazine announces its 3rd Annual Inspector J. Lee Poetry Contest * 100 Dollar Grand Prize * Winners and select poems will be published in DOGGEREL 6 * No restrictions on matter or style Send one dollar per poem entrance fee to: Inspector J. Lee Poetry Contest Green Swamp Press--DOGGEREL 1010 Mamie St. Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Deadline June 15, 1998 Submit poetry, short prose, reviews, photos to DOGGEREL.

Jessica - 03/18/98 00:45:50
My URL:http://www.tctc.com/~shoop
My Email:shoop@dacc.cc.il.us

Nice page. Come check mine out.

KDO - 03/17/98 19:16:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/oracle/7940/index.html
My Email:kdoljoldham@earthlink.net
Favorite Author: Douglas Adams
Favorite Book: So Long And Thanks For All The Fish
Favorite Movie: Theif
Occupation: MIS Manager
Interests: Running, ultrarunning, skydiving, cave diving, bungee jumping, rollerblading, fish, www, dancing,......
Obsessions: Trying to try everything!

1) Thanks for stopping by. 2) Wow, deep poetry 3) Deep enough to win my award (if you want). Stop by and pick it up any time

KDO - from The Pondering Page!

Elizabeth Switaj - 03/16/98 06:50:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Cafe/2759/
My Email:elizabeth-switaj@usa.net
Favorite Author: You expect me to choose? Right now, I'd have to say Marion Zimmer Bradley.
Favorite Book: The Mists of Avalon
Favorite Movie: Dead Poets Society
Occupation: Let me get back to you on that. . .
Interests: psychology, environment
Obsessions: literature, introspection, and a guy who live in my building

I enjoyed your poetry and the cohesiveness of your page.

Jonah Neff - 03/09/98 18:42:02
My URL:http://none.net
My Email:meniscus@rocketmail.com
Favorite Author: Grisham
Favorite Book: Needful Things
Favorite Movie: Braveheart
Occupation: HS Student
Interests: Hunting, WaterSkiing, Soccer, Intelligent conversation
Obsessions: Quake deathmatch

loved your page. I was happy to see i was the seventh visitor to your page. i came to your page after taking the vocabulary test. (http://www.eskimo.com/~miyaguch/top_scores.html) i got 140, which i was pleased with. i was glad to see that you are a libertarian. allright, we need as many as we can get. i just turned 18 i consider myself a libertarian. stephen hawking rules.

AlohaJJ - 03/08/98 18:36:28
My URL:http://www.maui.net/~alohajj
My Email:alohajj@maui.net


"Aloha...You have a great page"... drop by mine when you get time... JJ

Sign Guestbook

Pass your mouse over "Surfin' JJ" or click -> Aloha JJ's Home Page

Obscene911 - 03/06/98 07:33:16
My URL:http://deadmen.web2010.com
My Email:SYNdicateProductions@prodigy.net
Interests: irc
Obsessions: M0NaLisa

Great page Citeon, keep up the good work..

- 02/19/98 17:45:51


Loki - 02/19/98 03:32:34
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~cosmic_boy/index.html
My Email:mediaboy@alphalink.com.au
Favorite Author: Raymond E. Feist
Favorite Book: Magician (by R.E.Feist)
Favorite Movie: Wild At Heart (by D.Lynch)
Occupation: Student and Customer Service
Interests: Music (Techno), Computers, Writing, Media (photography + sound mixing) etc.
Obsessions: My G'friend Michelle, Zen Buddhist Gardens, Tai Chi, My little problems etc.

Liked your poetry very much. I will be starting a web-zine up one day. If you would like to contribute articles when I get it up and running I would be delighted. (ps. I found your page through a guestbook entry that you had made in Kerri Smiths book) All the Best, Daniel

It's no use - 02/02/98 04:04:02

To anyone who's going to write in here- If you read all the entries, you'll notice a pattern. People type basically the same thing twice. That's because after you enter a message, It seems like your message is deleted. But fret not; for it hasn't. So try nd save Citeon's insanity as well as that of those reading the book. (sorry if I've over interfeared, Citeon, but I thought someone should.)

Alice Ccentricity - 02/01/98 04:19:05
My Email:PANDORA.S..STAR@prodigy.net
Favorite Author: Poe (at times.)
Favorite Book: FAVORITE??!!!?!?!?! (This is litterally impossible for me to answer)
Favorite Movie: Labrynth/Willy Wonka and the Choc. Factory/
Occupation: Stealer of Fourtunes
Interests: Obsessions
Obsessions: CompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompu sionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsi nsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsionsCompulsions Other than that, none.

Nice page. Intriuging. So, I take it you like to play games. (If my other message went through, please disregaurd this one.) Well so do I. Ha hA ha Mr.Capricorn, amiDoingAVerygoodjobofhidEing? or, have you Just not Attempted COnducting a BaSic search yet? Well, Damn it I'm getting impatient. I'm feeling a tad bit intellectually unchallenged....so come and talk to me. I know you know whooooooooo I am. CBBA ABAA BA AA A Ring a bell? The way forward, is often the way back. The Wonderfull Wizzardress of AZ, hzyirmz (M=N, E=V, etc...and verse vicea) P.S. Come find me!

JoLady Taylor - 02/01/98 01:53:45
My URL:http://pages.prodigy.com/JoLady
My Email:Jo_Lady2@prodigy.com
Favorite Author: ahh..too many to list...
Favorite Book: same
Favorite Movie: The Enchanted Cottage..right now
Occupation: Writer/writing workshop and event host
Interests: anything/everything
Obsessions: science fiction

Nicely done..I love your links, too. Jo

rawigDn a Blank (281) - 01/30/98 03:55:37
My Email:Come and find me
Favorite Author: currently- Carroll
Interests: Talking to myself. As you may know (Or, rather, typing.)
Obsessions: ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** **

so, you like to play games? I DO. A AA BA Radiating black light, falling out of heaven. Spiraling towards the everchanging future, and trying to catch the present. (I am here, but I am not) I took one of your IQ tests. Come ask me how I did. -The Red Queen .retaL . "Your mysterious mountains I wish to see closer. May I land my kinky machine?" Jimmi Hendrix "Third Stone from the Sun" ha ha ha. You know whooooo I am. It's right "on top of your nose." Talk to you soon. If you read your list.

- 01/30/98 03:37:23


Denny - 01/01/98 02:10:41
My Email:cfour69@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: self
Favorite Book: Complete works of Edgar A. Poe
Favorite Movie: Hudson Hawk
Occupation: Web Design...Graphic Design
Interests: Everything & Nothing At All!(but only simultaneously)
Obsessions: Computers, Role Playing, Life risking activities!

Hey Dave, Like the page...if only we could get you to invest the same amount of effort in the clients pages we'd be rich by now! Later, C-4

Sid - 11/07/97 06:35:09
My Email:Siddy@prodigy.net
Favorite Author: Irvine Welsh
Favorite Book: Crime And Punishment
Occupation: Ego Masseuse
Interests: Obsessions
Obsessions: Complusive Ass Kissing-anything to do with shit (AKA dollars)

What the hell? I wrote an entire dissertation on the magic of movie making and the whole thing got deleted somehow...Anyhoo, put up some more poems, Citeon!

Sid - 11/07/97 06:29:22
My Email:Siddy@prodigy.et
Favorite Author: Irvine Welsh
Favorite Book: Crime and Punishment
Occupation: Ass Kissing Caliptalist Pig
Interests: Obsessions
Obsessions: complusive Anal Penetration-anything involving shit (aka dollars)

Movies: too many to name one- Action/Adventure- Hudson Hawk & The Crow Comedy- Mighty Aphrodite Horror- Return of the Living Dead Scifi- Aliens Animation- Wallace & Grommit Series Foreign- Ran & Jean de Florette/Manon De Source Drama- Devil's Advocate & The Accused Romance- ??? Put up some new poems, Citeon.

asml8d - 11/01/97 01:28:04
My Email:asml8d@hotmail.com
Obsessions: Murdering impulsive idiots who have nothing to say and no coherent way to say it!!!(oh, and fuck you, too!!!)

You suck!!! I could make a better home page about camel dung!! I hope you rot in hell and the devil makes you eat your own genitals!!! Bite me, you communist loving dirt sucking horses ass!!! Fuck off!!!!

vinnie - 11/01/97 01:25:26


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