Teresa Chapter # 257
Order of Eastern Star

Proctorville, Ohio
United States of America

The organizational meeting for Teresa Chapter was held November 3, 1906 with 27 present. The Chapter was instituted on November 23, 1906 with 26 members, they were: Vagelia Braley, Dora Curtis, Lou Curtis, E. G. Curtis, Hattie Morrison, Rachel Mauck, May Mauck, D. B. Mauck, H. B. Mauck, Josephine Roush, C. J. Reynolds, Florence Smith, Anna Smith, Carrie Smith, Emma Smith, Fannie Smith, E. J. Smith, George Smith, E. O. Smith, A. E. Smith, E. B. Smith, Nellie Suiter, Belle Suiter, Goldie Suiter, J. F. Suiter, M. J. Suiter, and Virgie Lee Thomas (all now deceased). On November 15th, 1907 the Charter and Chapter number were presented to Teresa Chapter O.E.S. # 257 of Proctorville, Ohio. The Chapter was named for Teresa Mace of Dora Chapter in Dayton, Kentucky, who was very insrumental in the formation of the Chapter in Proctorville.

Teresa Chapter currently has a total membership of 229. Stated meetings are on the first Friday of each month at 7:30 pm with the exception of recess during July and August.

1998 Officers

Worthy Matron – M. Frances Whitley
Worthy Patron – Lee E. Whitley
Associate Matron – Mildred Ellis
Associate Patron – Gary Chapman
Secretary – Janice C. Thomas
Treasurer – Anna Mae Edwards
Conductress – Emma Jean Bradley
Associate Conductress – Charlene Carpenter
Chaplain – Paul A. Thomas
Marshall – Bob Carpenter
Organist – Betty Blankenship
Adah – S. Ruth Levisay
Ruth – Ermalee Hiles
Esther – Debbie Evans
Martha – Diane M Bowman
Electra – Jean H. Davidson
Warder – Carroll Ellis
Sentinel – James W. Evans



Dale Burcham
Diane Beatty
Connie Chapman

Teresa Chapter has one life member, Ione Bareswilt who is also the oldest living member of the Chapter. She was initiated on March 20, 1926 (72 year member, as of this writing) and was an active committeeperson in the organization of the International Temple at Washington, D.C. She also has two sisters who are long-time members of the Chapter; Olive Wiseman, initiated February 1, 1936 (62 year member), and Audrey Houston, Initiated April 16, 1951 (47 year member). Ione was Worthy Matron in 1931 and received her life membership in September of 1982 after years of active service on many committees and holding many offices including Chaplain for many years. Mrs. Bareswilt is able to attend occasional special meetings and is currently residing in Chesapeake, Ohio, next door to her two sisters, each of whom live independently.

Teresa Chapter Also has a unique record for perfect attendance which is held by David F. Thomas for 342 consecutive meetings encompassing 26 years of service. This record was held from June 1938 through November 1964. David also served the Chapter in various capacities including once proteming as Associate Conductress on July 7, 1950. Mr. Thomas passed away in September of 1983.

The Chapter has had six Deputy Grand Matrons during it’s history: Esther Curtis (1923), Eva Earls (1936), Lola Pruitt (1966), Alice Jack (1979), Bonita Edwards (1987), and Diane Bowman (1996).

Teresa Chapter sponsors the Proctorville Assembly, International Order of Rainbow for Girls # 187 which was instituted in 1968 with Margaret Musser serving as the first Mother Advisor. It is currently still in existence with a current membership of nine. Lizeth Brammer is currently the Mother Advisor.

1998 Calendar

January 23 – School of Instruction, Shawnee State, Portsmouth, OH, 7:00 pm

March 14 – Proctorville Lodge # 550 F & AM inspection, OES Dinner

March 28 – Masonic/Easter Star/Rainbow Pizza Party, 6:00 pm

May 2 – Annual Village Rummage Sale fundraiser at Chapter

July 5th thru 11th – Lawrence County Fair, Chapter concession booth

September 4 – Friendship Night – honoring all stations

The Eastern Star

A builder builded himself a home, so looking around for an appropriate stone,

He chanced upon a sapphire blue, and a topaz of golden hue,

Then a diamond of beauty rare, and an emerald he added there.

And with these he placed a ruby for love, then asked for a blessing from above,

This foundation he gathered from near and far, and called it then, "The Eastern Star".

-from the inspection program of Teresa Chapter, May 6 1960


For more information, please contact Margie Burcham at:



Past Matrons and Past Patrons of Teresa Chapter


1907 - Florence Smith*/J.F. Suiter*                          1954 - Mary Eaton/Guy Eaton

1908 - Florence Smith*/C.J. Reynolds*                  1955 - Edna Miller/Arlie Brotherton*

1909 - Fannie Smith*/E.B. Smith                          1956 - Martha Prindle/Willim Prindle

1910 - Virgilia Braley*/C.J. Reynolds*                1957 - Pauline Lunsford*/Berkley Lunsford

1911 - Josephine Roush*/C.J. Reynolds*           1958 - Margery E. Burcham/Dale Burcham

1912 - Carrie Smith*/George Smith*                         1959 - Ruth Daniel/Dale Burcham

1913 - Goldie Suiter*/Morgan Suiter*                 1960 - Eileen Brown*/Dale Burcham

1914 - Nannie Reynolds*/C.J. Reynolds*                 1961 - Jean Thacker*/Harold Pruitt

1915 - Jennie Eaton*/C.J. Reynolds*                         1962 - Kathleen Davis*/Dale Burcham

1916 - Emma Smith*/Morgan Suiter*                 1963 - Lola Pruitt/Harold Pruitt

1917 - Fritz Kitts*/Benjamin McCown                 1964 - Josephine Robertson/Dale Burcham

1918 - Susie Winters*/C.J. Reynolds*                 1965 - Tressa Stover/James Stover*

1919 - Sallie Smith*/C.J. Reynolds*                         1966 - Margaret Musser/William Musser

1920 - Ida McCown*/Morgan Suiter*                         1967 - Helen Smith/James T. Smith, Sr.*

1921 - Sarah Edwards*/Herbert Ash*                 1968 - Donna Hayes/ Herbert Lang*

1922 - Esther Curtis*/Herbert Ash*                        1969 - Ida Pigman/Virgil Pigman*

1923 - Lema Dillon*/Morgan Suiter                        1970 - Cynthia Taylor/ James T. Smith, Sr.*

1924 - Virgie McGuffin*/Pearl Willis*                        1971 - Doris Kelly/Frank Kelly*

1925 - Eva Earles*/Herbert Ash*                        1972 - Carol Cunningham/Carl Cunningham

1926 - Theresa Evendol*/S.E. Crawford*                1973 - Thelma Lang/Herbert Lang*

1927 - Mayme Robinson*/Iven Goodall*                1974 - Delkenia Mills/Vernon Mills

1928 - Clara Robinson*/Iven Goodall*                1975 - Juanita S. Fulks*/Charles S. Fulks*

1929 - Mary Crawford*/S.E. Crawford*                1976 - Dympna Dean/Dale Burcham

1930 - Alene Goodall*/Iven Goodall*                1977 - Alice Jack/Thomas C. Johnson

1931 - Ione Bareswilt/Charles Bareswilt*                1978 - Phyllis Bloir*/Herbert Lang*

1932 - Mary B. Smith*/Max Haeberle*                1979 - Nancy Johnson/Thomas C. Johnson

1933 - Mary Martt*/Charles Bareswilt*                1980 - Diana Nance/Larry Nance

1934 - Gertrude Riley*/Frank Russell*                1981 - Jean Davidson/Herbert Lang*

1935 - Eloise Riley*/Claude Russell*                        1982 - Linda Lafon/Herbert Lang*

1936 - Mildred Dement*/Charles Bareswilt*        1983 - Margery D. Burcham/Rocky McCoy

1937 - Mildred Dement*/Charles Bareswilt*        1984 - Bonita Edwards/Clifford Edwards

1938 - Eva Earles*/Frank Russell*                        1985 - Donna M. Adkins/Rocky McCoy

1939 - Sallie Atkinson*/David Thomas*                1986 - Diana Beatty/Pete Justice

1940 - Madge Koontz*/Charles Bareswilt*        1987 - Bonita Edwards/Pete Justice

1941 - S. Margery Thomas*/David Thomas*        1988 - Fran Whitley/Lee Whitley

1942 - Mildred Gardner*/Milton Gardner*                1989 - Connie Murdock/Keith Murdock

1943 - Lula Morrow*/Clyde Morrow                        1990 - Margery E. Burcham/Dale Burcham

1944 - Hazel Atkinson*/Milton Gardner*               1991 - Margery E. Burcham/Dale Burcham

1945 - Helen Waddell*/Albert Lewis*              1992 - Diane Bowman/Lee Whitley

1946 - Eleanor Atkinson*/Milton Gardner*      1993 - Ermalee Hiles/Paul Thomas

1947 - Marjorie Lewis/Albert Lewis*                      1994 - Janice Thomas/Paul Thomas

1948 - Marjorie Lewis/Albert Lewis*                      1995 - Tami Goody/Gary Chapman

1949 - Sarah Curtis/Howard Curtis*                      1996 - Diana Beatty/Pete Justice

1950 - Alma Lemley*/Albert Lewis*                      1997 - Diane Bowman/Lee Whitley

1951 - Josephine Roberts/Albert Lewis*              1998 - Fran Whitley/Lee Whitley

1952 - Elma Eaton*/William Atkinson*

1953 - Sophia Schneider/Raymond Goodall*

* deceased


A very Special  Thank you to Margie Burcham, Past Worthy Matron of Teresa Chapter 257,  for her hard work and dedication preparing this page!

mardee@ramlink.net For more information
