Rainbow Girls
Proctorville, Ohio
United States of America



Proctorville Assembly # 187

International Order of Rainbow for Girls


Instituted June 1, 1968 and sponsored by Teresa Chapter OES # 257 of Proctorville, Ohio. The Assembly received it charter on February 14, 1969 with 62 charter members.

There are only nine members currently, the Worthy Advisor is Courtney Adkins and the Mother Advisor is Lizbeth Brammer. Stated meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 pm. This is the only Assembly remaining in Lawrence County Ohio.

Advisory Board Members are Larry Aldridge, Keith Brammer, Lizbeth Brammer, Pam Burgess, Bob Carpenter, Charlene Carpenter, Gary Chapman, Carroll Ellis, Debbie Evans, Dreama Harvey, Ron Harvey, Sherry Wall, and Carla Willis. The Deputy is Verbie Brock.


Thank you to Margie Burcham, Past Worthy Matron Of Teresa #257 OES, for this page!

(c) Copyright 1997. Proctorville Lodge No. 550 F.&A.M. All rights reserved.