The Arguments for and Against Using Hebrew Names for God


1 Introduction

2 Titles and Names

Name and Title in Hebrew
Shem and Adam
Shem and Abram
The Eternal's Name prior to Ex. 3 (yhwh)

3 The Shem Which Abraham Knew

Shem and Moses,
Shem and Jacob
Conclusions from Shem and Moses

4 The Third Commandment

"Make No Mention..Of Other Gods"
Re-Writing The Scriptures
Shem and Descriptive Attributes
More Than One Shem
When "One" Equals "Two or More"

5 More Shem of Elohyim

Conclusions to Shem
Translation and Transliteration
Known Throughout All The World

6 Frequency of Usage

Examples in the Old Testament

7 Definitions

Only "one language"...Gen 11:1
More than "One Language"

8 Significance of Multiple Languages

Multiple Languages of the Captivity and Restoration
The "Language of the Jews"
The Languages of Abram
The Languages of the NT Jews
Scriptures "Translated" into Aramaic
Jews Encouraged Alternative Language Instruction

9 The "Greek" New Testament

The "Greek" Old Testament
The "Greek" in the Old Testament
The "Aramaic" in the Old Testament

10 The Essene Library

The Example of Christ
Did Christ Speak Greek?
What Was Christ Called?
"...a name which is above every name..." (Phil 2:9)

11 How Languages Change

What is Old English?
"Separated by a Common Language"

12 Various Arguments Regarding "names"

.1 Christ killed for saying Gods "name"?
.2 Use of "names" = behavior as a "sign" of being "chosen" or "approved"?
.3 "Names" = "memorial"?
.4 Salvation dependent upon use of "names"?
.5 God's protection or "safety" dependent upon use of "names"?
.6 Use of "names" brings God's approval or "favor"?
.7 Christ "revealed" the "name"?

13 Various Arguments (cont.)

.8 Changing the scripture?
.9 Use of "names" = "worshiping in spirit and in truth"?
.10 Failure or refusal to use "names" = sin?
.11 Must be re-baptized in "names"?
.12 That Hebrew is the "language of heaven"?
.13 That translating names is "insult to God"?

14 Various Arguments (cont.)

.14 Paul didn't speak Greek?
.15 That the NT was originally in Hebrew?

15 Various Arguments (cont.)

16 That "yhvh" only, will fit on our "foreheads"?
.17 The "pagan" objection?
.18 The Baal Connection?
.19 That "my glory", Isa. 42:8, 48:11, supports "names"?

16 Various Arguments (cont.)

.20 That "Father" is wrong because the Devil is also a "father"?
.21 That answered prayer dependent upon use of "names"?
.22 That Christ came in his Father's "name"?
.23 Stephen stoned for "using the names"?
.24 "Names" = keys to understanding the Bible?
.25 Jews' refusal to pronounce "yhwh" proves "names"?
.26 That we do not have a "choice" in using "names"?
.27 Josephus' description of the High Priest's headband?

17 Various Arguments (cont.)

.28 Other "names" profaned?
.29 Denied "Hebrew names"?
.30 Prisoners of paradigms?

18 Various Argruments (cont.)

.31 Spelling and Pronunciation not lost?
.32 That "true prophets" will come only "in the name of Yahweh"?
.33 The "original" human language was "Hebrew"?
.34 That "inherent" power and authority comes with "names" usage?
.35 Psa.68:4 proves God has only one name?
.36 Hosea 2:16-18 proves usage of "yhwh" only?
.37 That all names except "yhwh" originated in paganism?
.38 Hebrews 13:15-16 proves usage of "yhwh" is required?
.39 Jeremiah 8:8-9 describes the removal of "yhwh" from the Bible.?
.40 Ex. 20:7 and Lev. 19:12 condemn the use of any name except "yhwh"?

19 Various Arguments (cont.)

.41 Malachi 1:6 condemns ministers today who do not use "yhwh"?
.42 Mat. 17:11 proves that John the Baptist used "yhwh"?
.43 Jn. 5:43 and 14:26 prove Christ came "with" the name "Yah"?
.44 Ex. 23:13, Josh. 23:7 and Psa. 16:4 prove it is wrong to use any
other title or name except "yhwh"?
.45 Amos 4:13 and 5:27 prove a difference between titles and names for God?
.46 Jn. 17:6, 26 prove Christ "revealed the name 'yhwh' to his followers"?
.47 Lk. 11:52 shows Christ attacked the Pharisees for deleting "yhwh"
from scriptures?
.48 Christ "will not return" until the "name has been restored"?
.49 That "knowing the name Yahweh" will "bring you great joy"?
.50 That in the "latter days", "Messiah's . . . mission" is to return his
people to the usage of the "heavenly language of Hebrew"?
.51 Matthew used "code words" to represent the word "yhwh"?
.52 That writing "God" and "Lord" are unacceptable, but "G_d" and "L_rd"
are okay?
.53 That titles and descriptive words cannot be used as names? That names cannot be translated?

20 Conclusions to "Various Arguments"


21 The "Family Tree" of the word, "salvation"

What the "Family Tree" of the word 'salvation' shows.

22 The Importance of God's Name

More Than a Label
Eternal Existence
By His Authority
"Holding Up" and "Bearing" His Name
"What Is His Name?"
God Reveals Himself Through All His Names (shem)

23 Some Alternative Views on "The Names"

A Pictograph?
Hebrew "name" = "nature"?
"Yahweh" is not Hebrew?
That "yhwh" was a written symbol only, not pronounced?

24 Conclusions To Sacred Name Arguments

A Shared Purpose

25 What are We Commanded to Do?

God's Message to Mankind

26 For Further Reading

27 Appendix 1: A "Babylon" of "Names"

Part 1:
Web Sites Devoted to Hebrew Names

28 Appendix 1:

Parts 2-6:
A Comprehensive List of the "Names"
What Reference Sources Say About Spelling and Pronunciation
A "Babylon" of Vowel Symbols and Sounds
Various "Sacred Name" Bibles
The "Sacred Names" Movement

29 Appendix 2:

Bibliography of Tyndale Article, "Language of the NT"

30 Appendix 3:

Names of the Father and the Son
Names of the Son
What History Shows About the Term "Christian"

31 Appendix 4:

Calling all pagan gods?
Variations Among "sacred names" Bibles

32 Appendix 5:

Clement of Alexandria
(Regarding the original language of New Testament Books.)

33 Appendix 6:

(Regarding the knowledge and use of the Greek language among Jews.)

34 Appendix 7:

Excerpts from: The Truth Regarding Inspired Titles
(An extensive paper published by "pro-names" Elders, Dale George and Silvio Soto, proving the validity of "Lord", "God" and "other titles".)

35 Appendix 8:

The Two Talmuds

The Talmud "is a conglomerate of law, legend, and philosophy, a blend of unique logic and shrewd pragmatism, of history and science, anecdote and humor." ...Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz.
". . . whenever the Jerusalem Talmud contradicts the Babylonian Talmud, the law follows the Babylonian Talmud. Only on matters where Babylonian Talmud is silent or unclear does the authority of the Jerusalem Talmud prevail."
"The absence of numerous Mishna tractates and chapters, the numerous self contradictions, as well as other internal evidence, suggests that the Jerusalem Talmud . . . was a rather hasty collection of material."
"Additionally, the name "Jerusalem Talmud" is a misnomer, as it was most likely written in Northern Israel, specifically Tiberias."
(Source: http://www.landfield.com/faqs/judaism/FAQ/03-Torah-Halacha/section-17.html)

36 Appendix 9:

The Greek Influence
(Excerpts from Knight's analysis of Koster's book, Come Out of Her, My People)

37 Appendix 10:

"Names" and Magic

"...magicians used various biblical names and titles of God in their incantations. But the one name . . .the Tetragrammaton, the YHWH . . . was held in profound awe . . . This led to a theological problem . . . Therefore a magical explanation was advanced to solve the problem. . . . the "name" itself is invested with the power to fulfill the desire of the man who pronounces it."

"The correct pronunciation (of the Tetragrammaton) is absolutely essential for the working of magic."

"One of the peculiarities of the modern tongues movement is the belief in the value of words. . .there was an ancient widespread belief that certain words and phrases contained magical power. Of these words, the best known was the Tetragrammaton."

38 Appendix 11:

"Names" and Idolatry

39 Bibliography

(partial as most sources are given in full, following the quotation)
