"Sight" Map
But you still have to walk by faith. (2 Cor. 5:7)

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(Maybe because it's different from all the rest?)

"Changes" FAQ

(We didn't write the Book. We just point out the obvious.)

Bible FAQ

("What's it all about, Alfie?")

Articles and Doctrinal Questions

(e.g. "Is An Angry Christian, An Oxymoron?"
"If Angels Don't Marry, Do They Still Fool Around?")


Just Thoughts

(e.g. "Religion" is like Sports)

Study (Discovery) Guides

(The search for Understanding and Truth.)

Topic Guides

(What does the Bible actually say about . . .?)

The Whole Sin Catalog

(Pssst!, Hey!, Wanna See Some Sin?)

Bubba's Bible For The Befuddled Masses

(So simple, even Bubba understands it.)

The Epistles of Bubba the Phishbite

(Humor with a point.)

The Ex-Files

(For ex-members of any church, who "fled from them naked", Mk.14:46-52.)

Church-onics (or, Death by Obfuscation)

(Religious terminology, unveiled at last!)

The Mall Of The "gods"

(A religious shopping experience.) (Coming soon)

Dead Prophets, False Prophets and Naked Prophets

(When you need a field guide to tell the difference.)

God's Holy Days

(Observing "Sabbaths" instead of calendars.)

God's Name

(Oh, what's His Name?)

Humor and Humor Links

(Chuckle, Giggle and Snort, Esq.)

Readers Comments

(Thanks for the encouragement!)

Alpha Index For This Site

(A, B, C, See?, Si!)

Links to Other Places of Interest

(Carpe link, Caveat emptor)


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