Salve, and welcome to the Latin Page of Eric's Web System

"We, the members of the Junior Classical League, covenant to hand on the torch of the classical civilization in the modern world. We believe an acquaintance with the civilization of Greece and Rome will help us understand and appraise the world of today, which is indebted to the ancient civilizations in its government and laws, literature, language and arts.

We affirm the JCL experience develops leadership, fosters brotherhood, promotes enthusiasm, encourages competition, inspires dedication, and enriches our total growth." -The Junior Classical League Creed

A message from the Author

Hi there, or should I say salve? I am a lover of Latin, much like yourself, if you are coming here to have fun and enjoy the Deadest languages I know. I must say that through the IH Latin Program I have developed a love for Latin. As any Ohio Latin student may know, the state convention is this FRIDAY!!!! This is where I begin to panic about projects, tests, Certamen, and all other stressful things. I strive to incorporate on this page, when complete, a list of useful sayings in Latin, a description of Latin, information about the IH Latin Club, and any other thing I feel like putting on here. Have fun on the Page!!

~Eric :-Ð

To begin, let's tell you a little about Latin, assuming you don't know

For advanced users, proceed to later on the page

Latin is a very complex, yet beautiful language. Some interesting numbers regarding Latin are: 5 Declensions, 4 Conjugations, 6 Tenses, and countless other various exceptions to the rules. Latin is a great language to listen to, as it flows very well, and has a lot of rolling of r's, and a lot of expression built into it. Try saying this out loud- it sounds great: "Estne vir praeclarus in tuus togam, aut estne tu laetus videri me?" (Hint: V's are pronounced like W's, and roll the R's. Ae is pronounced "aye.") If you care to know, you just said, "Is that a distinguished gentleman in your toga, or are you just happy to see me?" So, as you can see, Latin has many different applications.

I'd like to share some about the latin convention with you

Latin convention is an amazing event. This may sound odd to you- a weekend dedicated to a language? Boring, right? WRONG!! Latin convention is, according to the administators, "The World's Biggest Toga Party." Convinced yet? Well if not, I will continue. The convention, although it includes such seemingly unpleasant items such as tests, is all one big competition. So, there is a large emphasis put on kicking ace at the convention. For every project, test, certamen, spirit contest, etc., you accumulate points for your school. And as a rule, IH comes in second to a school called Stowe. Unfortuately, we can never beat them, as that would spoil close to 25 years of tradition. Between parties, dancing, swimming, competitions, and tests there is plenty of time to relax, and maybe even sleep (however this is a seldom occuring event). Sounds enticing doesn't it? Please visit the OJCL page for more information.

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