manuscript links
Here are some links to manuscripts.
These are sites that have a large number of manuscript links
graphics of medieval manuscripts.
- netSERF manuscripts. Lots of links to manuscripts. A great place to start.
- The Vatican Exhibit. The Vatican is in the process of transferring it's manuscripts to computer images for all to enjoy. Some unique illuminations including music and medical references.
- Some runestones from Uppland. The Vikings were not into written scrolls as we think of them. Carved rocks were more their style. This is an excellent site of existing runestones, artists renderings of what they looked like before erosion, and what they say in both their original language and modern English translation.
- The Book of Kells. A great example of celtic knotwork. Also an example of how a single illuminated letter (or combination of opening letters) can stand alone without further ornate illumination.
- Medieval Manuscript Leaves. A collection of 51 manuscript pages copied by various orders of monks. Shows mostly examples of calligraphy from the 12th-16th centuries.
- Age of King Charles V. 1,000 French illuminations from the 14th century. A well organized site that can be searched by text, theme or manuscript.
- Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry. The most famous manuscript of the entire Middle Ages. A French Gothic Exemplar. It contains many examples that range from simple ivy designs to full page scenes.
- Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts. Manuscript images from the 8th-mid 16th centuries. Organized by date, then country. Broad range of styles.
Hill Monastic Manuscript Library Microfilm of
documents housed in Europe made available to researchers. HMML represents one of the largest and most comprehensive archives of
medieval and Renaissance sources in the world.
Manuscripts, Books, and Maps: The Printing Press and a Changing World A site comprised of several linked documents that trace the development of the printed book. Starting with the Book of Kells, through the high middle ages and continuing out of our chosen period.
Manuscript pages An assortment of manuscript pages. Takes a lot of time to load because of the large size of the graphics, but shows a lot of detail.
A Virtual Guide of Books of Hours Part of a University of Illinois project to show how the internet can be used for educational purposes. This page is of known links on the web to Books of Hours written mostly during the 15th century.
Hypretext Book of Hours No graphics, just the text for a generic Book of Hours written in modern English. A great place to see what was written in all of those Books of Hours instead of just the pretty pictures.