Here are links to pages that demonstrate scribal techniques or interesting materials.
If you know of a link that belongs on this page let me know and I will add it.
Egg Tempera Homepage. This website is devoted exclusively to the Egg Tempera painting medium.It provides information and inspiration to those who are learning the technique or who are curious about it.
How To Cut a Bamboo Pen. Online demonstration on how to cut a reed pen. Very informative with clear instructions and graphics.
How to Cut a Quill Pen. Great for those who need a refresher course or those who have no idea how to turn a feather into a writing instrument.
Girdle Books A PARMA (Pacific Assocation for Recreating the Middle Ages) page showing the re-creation of an early 14th century girdle calendar. Lots of good information.
Making and Using Wax Tablets A fantastic page on the history of wax tablets ... as well as step by step instructions on how to make them yourself.
Making a Period Style Gesso Detailed instructions on how to make a period style, but non-toxic gesso from easily obtained materials. This page also includes directions for making hide glue and slaked plaster.