Welcome to Hospital Ship International(H.S.I.).
We hope to assist anyone considering,studying,planning,converting or operating medical/health care purpose vessels/crafts. Eventually this page will be developed into a major resource/link site for those interested in these types of vessels/crafts from all areas and periods. CONSULTANCY fees are very reasonable and are available upon written request. Such fees are based on a non-profit basis with ALL monies going to the future to be incorporated and legally organized entity entitled: "Hospital Ship International (HSI)." Thank you for your consideration and for visiting! Hopefully we can pipe you aboard!
Hospital Ship International(HSI) has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information herein. However HSI does not assume,and hereby expressly and absolutely disclaims any liability to any party for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions or statements of any kind. All reviews are the sole opinion of the individual reviewers and do not necessarily represent any general consensus of anyone,including HSI. The judgements,opinions and information of the reviewers as well as those having accessible material on HSI's web site such as may be found on the guestbook,bulletin board and the like are their own uninfluenced in any way by HSI. Nevertheless HSI reserves the absolute unfettered right to edit any and all submitted materials.
From time to time please read this section for important notices such as notices of meetings,calls for submissions,awards and the like. Please note that our "NEWS BULLETINS" section is still active.