There must be more to life than sitting wondering if there is more to life.
Thinking about thinking is naturally a difficult business. Many people
do not care to analyze such a living process as thought : they recoil from
the necessary introversion. However, all of us do have to spend much of
our time thinking in the deliberate sense of the word. Thinking may be
compared to an unfinished symphony with three main themes : analyzing,
synthesizing, and valuing.
The dictionary derives it from the Greek verb 'to loosen', and gives
the primary meaning as 'resolution into simple parts'. In other words,
when I take my watch to pieces, I can strictly be said to be analyzing
it. But the word has more to it. Analysis implies the tracing of things
to their sources, and the discovery of general principles underlying the
concrete phenomena.
It means the opposite of analyzing, namely, putting together of parts
or elements so as to make up a complex whole. When the resulting whole
is substantially original we can describe the synthetic process as creative.
There is a third theme or mode of thinking which is not finally reducible
by or to analysis, or to synthesis, or to any combination of them, and
that is the intellectual activity that I have named valuing.
It is difficult to see, let alone study, the shy denizens of our own
minds. The balance between these three modes is changing from moment to
moment : one minute we may be primarily analyzing and the next valuing.
They have not, however, been so loosened that they are seen as quite separate
realities rather than complementary ones.
The Depth of Mind
Thanks to the popularization of work of Freud and other psycho-analysts
it is well-known that our minds include a semi-conscious and an unconscious
area. This depth of mind, has the capacity of bringing a natural dimension
to the work of sifting information and grasping the relation of parts within
the whole presented to it by the senses. Thus our values are found in our
depth minds, or rather in the constant dialogue between surface and depth
Source : Training For Decisions, Author : John Adair
(Adapted) |