The Need to Popularize the Internet and Its Use. December 1997

Togo was isolated from the Internet for a long time, having only e-mail based on UUCP connections until August 6, 1997, when full connectivity was established byt the company Café Informatique et Télécommunications.

Seventy percent of callers and users of the Internet in Togo are expatriates or members of international organizations.
The high cost of computers, the inaccessibility of telephone lines, the inadequacy of telecommunication infrastructures, and the dearth of awareness campaigns and training seminars don't further Internet development and its use by the general public.

Action has been taken to solve problem through the SYFED center of Lomé, which offers Internet access as well as training in the use of the Internet, installation of cybercafés, and organization of training seminars by Café Informatique; and the coming installation of an Internet connection by UNDP Togo, which will be used by the government and some organizations.

Alain Aina